Ces déplacements sont la cause de
presque toutes les grandes
structures géodynamiques
(vues dans l’UE Planète Terre)
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Birth of passive margins: Continental
- Continuous thinning & lengthening of a 4-layer (brittle-ductile) continental lithosphere
-Development of “boudins” in brittle layers (tilted blocks) and of normal shear zones in
ductile ones
-Exhumation (unroofing) of mantle rocks at the center & foot of the new passive margins
Brun & Beslier 1996
How does it work?
If tensional boundary forces are applied on a continental lithosphere:
Cross section
Asthenospheric upwelling (Non volcanic case)
F. Quelques conséquences: rifts, marges passives,
subduction, chaînes