Français I Examen Final Study Guide Semestre II
Your final exam will consist of grammar and vocabulary questions (such as fill-in-the-blank, multiple
choice questions, and verb conjugations), some written sections (at least one one-paragraph writing
example and some sentence translation) some multiple choice listening exercises, some reading
comprehension exercises, and some culture questions (true/false). It will cover everything we have
studied this year, with an emphasis on the topics studied this semester. The following is a list of topics
to study for the final exam. Pages 116-117, 184-185, 238-239, 298-299, and 352-353 list much of the
vocabulary you need to know and are good study tools. I also recommend using the practice exercises
found on
Finally, there will be a spoken portion of your final exam. See the last page of this review packet for
more information.
Note: Yellow boxes in your book indicate vocabulary, while green boxes indicate grammar. Use these
boxes to help you study.
Here are the topics studied first semester. They may appear minimally on your final exam, except for
those topics in italics, which may appear more frequently:
Unit 1
Greetings and other expressions
The five French accents: meanings, how to draw them, and when to use them
Numbers: 1-100 and 1000
Articles: masculine/feminine and definite/indefinite
Family and pets
Unit 2
Food/hunger and thirst
Restaurant vocabulary; how to order food and drink
Time (pay special attention to quarter after, half past, midnight, etc.)
Days of the week
Telling the Date
Unit 3
Verbs: faire, être, and all regular –er verbs like jouer, chanter, danser, etc.
J’aime/je n’aime pas
Je veux/Je ne peux pas
All vocabulary in yellow boxes: “où” vocabulary (p. 85), “Expressions pour la conversation” (p. 87), and
“mots utiles,” (p. 89), for example