English abstract :
This thesis aims to emphasize in Montaigne’s Essays a little known aspect
concerning the debate of constancy towards the end of the 16th. Century. While
the virtue of constancy becomes a philosophical and moral issue of great
importance, favouring at the same time the stoic, Christian and civil ideals, we
observe in Montaigne’s Essays, an insistence to underline a contradictory
phenomenon; inconstancy. First, it is essential to demonstrate the dialogue that
builds Montaigne’s work concerning the virtue of constancy, to finally establish
the proper argumentation on inconstancy in his Essays.
In order to highlight this dialogue concealed in the patchwork of the
Essays, we are proposing to combine internal and external reading, in order to
evaluate thoroughly the act of writing they implicitly propose.
With the intent to situate this debate concerning the virtue of constancy
and the problem of inconstancy, we will refer primarily to the Hellenistic
philosophies plundered by the Essays. We will present in the first part the
origin and in the second part, the transfer of the debate. Montaigne’s scepticism
happens to be destabilized, his stoicism is at the same time debated and
rejected, his Epicureanism becoming a tool determining their truth. The
inconstancy as mentioned takes a universal appearance making all references to
the virtue of constancy as presumptuous, vain and even dangerous.
The second section of the thesis demonstrates that methodology of the
Essays takes over the notion of inconstancy, notably through the “Distingo”,
and its effects on the historical knowledge relating to prudential activities such
as: jurisprudence, political and military life. Now that we have demonstrated
that the work of Montaigne presents a radical critic of the method and the
objectives of the moralists, we claim that the nature of the essay is to correct
this error and thus give the right place to human inconstancy. We acknowledge
the fact that inconstancy has a status of a pre-ethic condition which pushes the
Essays to disrepute any human enterprise in the public sphere.
However, this denial cast upon the public sphere does not lead us to reject
any kind of ethical reflection. Therefore, the Essays do not exclusively
encourage letting faith or fortune carry us. In the private sphere, the third book
of the Essays constructs many ethical regulations that are astonishing and
heterodox: non repentance, diversion, vanity, experience...These aspects are all
grounded in the ethical mode of the possible, (« Selon qu’on peut ») and at the
same time contribute in redefining the magnitude of the soul (magntiudo animi,
mégalopsychè) by presenting a new order or a new conformity of action.
Beyond the moral analysis and the description of oneself, an ethical process
seizes the imperfect movement of existence in the Essays, which erects itself
not against inconstancy but in harmony with it. This ethic of inconstancy or
ethic of indirection is built in opposition with the moral doctrines even though a
constant debate seems to unite them.
Key words: Constancy, inconstancy, scepticism, neostoicism, distingo, history,
sorcery, repentance, vanity, magnitude of the soul.