5. J’ai vu un homme mort dans la rue. J’ai appelé la police et je suis sorti. Quand la police est
arrivée, les journalistes posaient des questions aux voisins.
I saw a dead man in the street. I called the police and I went out. When the police arrived, the
journalists were asking questions to the neighbours.
6. « Lundi dernier, à 5h, je faisais du shopping inspecteur . »
Last Monday, at 5 o’clock, I was doing some shopping, inspector.
Complète et transforme ces phrases pour n’en former qu’une seule.
En anglais, le pronom relatif utilisé pour un antécédent animé est who
En anglais, le pronom relatif utilisé pour un antécédent inanimé est which
1. The knight killed the dragon. The knight was a prince.
The knight who was a prince killed the dragon.
2. The witch gave the princess an apple. The apple was poisoned.
The witch gave the princess an apple which was poisoned.
3. The lady kissed a frog. The frog turned out into a prince charming.
The lady kissed a frog which turned out into a prince charming
4. The fairy helped the boy. The fairy had magical powers.
The fairy who had magical powers helped the boy
Transforme ces adjectifs en adverbes et invente une phrase en anglais pour les utiliser.
1. Calm : calmly
2. Horrible : horribly
3. Extreme : extremely
He said that very calmly.
He was horribly mean.
The room was extremely dark.
Pronoms compléments : me / you / him / her / it / us / you / them
Question au preterit simple avec verbe lexical : DID + SUJET + BV + COMPLEMENT
Ex : Did you see him yesterday ?
Question au preterit BE +Ving : WAS ou WERE + SUJET+ BVing + COMPLEMENT
EX ; Was she cleaning her room when you arrived?
Sonner : ring
Partir : leave
Ecouter la radio : listen to the
Sortir : go out
Poser des questions : ask