T Fournier. K Handschuh, V Tsatsaris, D Evain-Brion, Involvement of PPARg in Human Trophoblast Invasion.
Placenta. 2007 Apr;28 Suppl A:S76-81.
K Handschuh, J Guibourdenche, V Tsatsaris, J, Guesnon M, Laurendeau I, D Evain-Brion, T Fournier. Human chorionic
gonadotropin produced by the invasive trophoblast but not the villous trophoblast promotes cell invasion and is down-
regulated by peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma. Endocrinology; 2007; 148: 5011-5019.
Novakovic B, Sibson M, Ng HK, Manuelpillai U, Rakyan V, Down T, Beck S, Fournier T, Evain-Brion D,
Dimitriadis E, Craig JM, Morley R, Saffery R. Placenta-specific methylation of the vitamin D 24-hydroxylase
gene: implications for feedback autoregulation of active vitamin D levels at the fetomaternal interface. J Biol
Chem. 2009;284:14838-48
Robillard PY, Chaouat G, Le Bouteiller P, Fournier T, Barau G, Roman H, Heisert M, Dekker G, Hulsey TC,
Vaiman D, Foidart JM, Boukerrou M. Current debates on immunology of preeclampsia. Report of the sixth
international workshop of Reunion Island (Indian Ocean, December 2008). Gynecol Obstet Fertil.
Handschuh K, Guibourdenche J, Cocquebert M, Tsatsaris V, Vidaud M, Evain-Brion D, Fournier T. Expression
and regulation by PPARgamma of hCG alpha- and beta-subunits: Comparison between villous and invasive
extravillous trophoblastic cells.
Placenta. 2009 Oct 19. [Epub ahead of print]
Publications de revue dans des revues de spécialité à comité de lecture,
Fournier T, Tsatsaris V, Handschuh K, Evain-Brion D.
PPARs and the Placenta. A review. Placenta, 2007, 28:65-76.
V Tsatsaris, T Fournier, N. Winer. Pathophysiology of preeclampsia.
J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod, 2008; 37: 16-23.
T Fournier, K Handschuh, V Tsatsaris, J Guibourdenche, D Evain-Brion
Role of Nuclear Receptors and their Ligands in Human Trophoblast Invasion.
Journal of Reproductive Immunology, 2008 ;77 : 161-70.
T Fournier, P Thérond, K Handschuh, V Tsatsaris, D Evain-Brion
PPARg and early human placental development
Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2008;15:3011-24.
Publications de revue dans des livres ou ouvrages,
V Tsatsaris, A Malassiné, T Fournier, K. Handschuh, JP Schaaps, JM Foidart, D Evain-Brion. Le placenta
humain EMC (Elsevier SAS, Paris), Gynécologie/Obstétrique, 5-005-A-10, 2006
V Tsatsaris, T Fournier, A Malassiné, D Evain-Brion, La placentation humaine. Masson
Publications didactiques.
T Fournier, V Tsatsaris, K Handschuh, D Evain-Brion, Rôle de PPARg dans le développement du placenta
humain. Médecine de la reproduction, 2007 ; 9 (2) :1-6
Thierry Fournier, Vassilis Tsatsaris. Développement du placenta humain et physiopathologie de la pré-
Métabolismes Hormones Diabètes et Nutrition (XII), n°4, juillet-août 2008, 161-168.