Caroff, X et Rogard, V, (2007) - Le Psychologue du travail In J

Vincent ROGARD
Professor First class
University of Paris Descartes
Laboratory Adaptation, - Work - Individual
71 avenue Edouard Vaillant
92774 Boulogne-Billancourt Cedex
Tél. : (33) 1 55 20 57 38
Pre-graduate and post graduate teaching
Licence of Psychology (Theories and practices in work & organizational psychology)
Master of Psychology, option Work and Organizational Psychology (Ergonomics and human
resource management)
Master of Psychology, option Work and Organizational Psychology (Orientation course,
Professionnal field, Leadership across the world)
Master of Psychology, option Work and Organizational Psychology (Ethics for Work
Doctoral level : Organizational change, History and psychology
Doctoral Program
PhD : 3 Ph in progress (Work Life balance, psychological contract,.)
Director of the Master of Psychology (1200 Students 9 programs) Since 2007
National coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus master WOP-P
Research interest
Managerial competencies & Leadership
Benevolent job satisfaction
Psychological contract
Research network
European network of organizational psychologists (President)
University of Paris 5, Naïve theories on motivation and recruitment, 8.500 €, 2003
Recent publication
Over 50 publications, with content ranging from experimental social psychology, cognitive
ergonomics, work motivation, career management. Selected recent titles related to the WOP
Rogard, V. (2010). La mesure des aptitudes et compétences professionnelles : enjeu
méthodologique et déontologique. Humanisme et entreprise, 3, 33-44.
Rogard, V. (2009). Restituer l’évaluation en Psychologie. In O. Bourguignon (Ed.), La
Pratique du psychologue et l’éthique (pp.165-172). Liège : Mardaga.
Rogard, V (2009) What makes an ethically competent psychologist ? In. Zjilstra & L. Ten
Horn & Ad van Iterson (Eds), Liber Amicorum for R. Roe,
Rogard, V (2008) Psychologue dans le travail en équipe : vers une éthique collective. In O.
Bourguignon (Ed), Ethique et Pratique psychologique, Liège : Mardaga, 233-246
Caroff, X et Rogard, V, (2007) - Le Psychologue du travail In J. Lautrey (Ed) Psychologie du
développement et psychologie différentielle. Paris : Presses Universitaires de France
Rogard, V (2006). Rôles et statuts. In A. Trognon, J. Allouche, & P. Louart
(Eds.).Encyclopédie des Ressources Humaines. Paris : Vuibert. 1178-1187
Rogard, V (2006). La relation de service et ses implications dans la gestion des ressources
humaines. In Claude Lévy-Leboyer, Claude Louche et Jean-Pierre Rolland, RH : les apports
de la psychologie du travail - Tome 2 - Management des organisations, Paris : Editions
d’organisation, 267-280
Rogard, V (2009) - In O. Bourguignon (Ed), Restituer l’évaluation en Psychologie, La Pratique du
psychologue et l’éthique, Liège : Mardaga, 165-172.
Rogard, V (2009) What makes an ethically competent psychologist ? In. Zjilstra & L. Ten Horn & Ad
van Iterson (Eds), Liber Amicorum for R. Roe,
Rogard, V (2008) Psychologue dans le travail en équipe : vers une éthique collective. In O.
Bourguignon (Ed), Ethique et Pratique psychologique, Liège : Mardaga, 233-246
Caroff, X et Rogard, V, (2007) - Le Psychologue du travail In J. Lautrey (Ed) Psychologie du
développement et psychologie différentielle. Paris : Presses Universitaires de France
Rogard, V (2006). Rôles et statuts. In A. Trognon, J. Allouche, & P. Louart (Eds.).Encyclopédie des
Ressources Humaines. Paris : Vuibert. 1178-1187
Rogard, V (2006). La relation de service et ses implications dans la gestion des ressources humaines.
In Claude Lévy-Leboyer, Claude Louche et Jean-Pierre Rolland, RH : les apports de la psychologie du
travail - Tome 2 - Management des organisations, Paris : Editions d’organisation, 267-280
Rogard,V (2005). Leaders, managers et cadres : Activités et influence. In E. Brangier, A. Lancry, & C
Louche (Eds), Les dimensions humaines du travail, Nancy, Presses Universitaires de Nancy. 451-467
2007 - Effects of the Training of Deontology on the Practices of Work Psychologists in
the field of Recruitement, XIIIth European Congress of Work and Organizational
Psychology, Stockholm, 10-13 Mai 2007)
2007 X. Caroff, V. Rogard, Nathalie Poillon C. Prothon - Practices of Job Analysis
for Recruitment: Empiricism is still Present! , XIIIth European Congress of Work and
Organizational Psychology, Stockholm, 10-13 Mai 2007)
2007 - Work and organizational psychology in France : state of the research Xth.
European Congress of Psychology, Prague, 3-6 juillet 2007
2007 - Work and organizational psychology in France : practices and development
Xth. European Congress of Psychology, Prague, 3-6 juillet 2007
2006 - Experience in training research to Organizational and Work psychologists in
France. 2d International Workshop "Organizational, Work in Ukraine in the Context
of European Integration“
2006 - The main trends of the WOP and ethical issues2d International Workshop
"Organizational, Work in Ukraine in the Context of European Integration“
Consultant in evaluation of international research and training cooperation, French Ministry
of Foreign Affairs
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