Susquehanna Township High School Mrs. Bowley
Harrisburg, PA 17109 2011-2012
French IV Honors
Grades: 11-12
Length: 36 weeks
Periods per cycle: 6
Text: Trésors du temps
Students will continue to develop their reading skills, vocabulary, grammar, and
knowledge of French history and culture in this advanced-level class. Stress is placed on
communication in the target language, as it is taught uniquely in French. Culture is
integrated throughout the course as various units on French history and civilization are
introduced. Writing skills are enhanced through exercises based on individual topics.
Supplementary vocabulary, grammatical concepts, and readings will be presented
throughout the school year.
1) Demonstrate high intermediate proficiency across the four skill areas of reading,
writing, listening and speaking.
2) Communicate in real life situation.
3) Relate events in the present, past, and future tense.
4) Use a variety of more complex grammatical structures.
5) Carry on more extended conversations and create with the language.
6) Read and comprehend variety of written texts.
7) Identify cultural differences in French-speaking countries.
Each unit or group of units will be covered in approximately 4 weeks.
Etape 1 et 2: un peu d’histoire, la France, ses provinces et ses départments, les verbes
“être, avoir, aller, faire”, depuis/pendant/il y a, l’art préhistorique, Jules Cesar, les verbes
des trois groupes (er/ir/re) les verbes en “oir”, l’impératif, la construction de deux verbes
sans préposition, ou avec la préposition “à” ou “de”, la place de l’adverbe
Etape 3 & 4: L’imparfait, le passé composé, le passé litteraire (le passé simple), le plus-
que-parfait, l’accord du participe passé, la place de l’adverbe avec un temps composé.
Les pronoms d’objet direct et indirect, les pronoms accentués, les verbes de
communication, l’impératif (affirmatif et negatif) avec un ou deux pronoms d’objet.
Etape 5: Le future et le conditionnel, le verbe “devoir”.
Etape 6: Les formes du subjonctif, le passé du subjonctif, les usages du subjonctif,
l’art du dix-septième siècle.
Etape 7: Les quatre classes de verbes pronominaux, les verbes pronominaux:
definition et conjugaison au présent, la construction de la phrase avec un verbe
pronominaux, recapitulation des quatre classes de verbes pronominaux, le verbe “faire” +
verbe à l’infinitif.
Etape 8: L’adjectif, la négation, le participle present, l’adjectif qualificatif, les
négations autres que “ne … pas”, la participle présent et son usage comme gérondif.
Etape 9: Le pronom possessif, les pronoms relatifs, les pronoms interrogatifs
simples et composes (lequel/auquel/duquel), les expressions interrogatives “à qui? de
qui?”, le pronom demonstrative défini “celui”, le pronom demonstrative indéfini “ceci,
cela ou ça”, l’art de la révolution.
Etape 10: Napoléon, les verbes de communication et d’expression et le discourse
Etape 11: Le passif, l’infinitif, quelque chose + preposition, l’art du dix-neuvième
Etape 12: Vie litteraire de Jacques Prevert, Albert Camus et Marguerite Duras, l’art
du vingtième siècle.
Other: Short stories, poems, readings, and supplementary vocabulary and grammar will
be introduced throughout the course.
1) Follow all school policies (please refer to handbook).
2) Adhere to the make-up policy (see next page).
3) Chewing gum, eating, and drinking are not permitted in the classroom.
4) Cover your books.
5) Passes are generally not issued during class.
6) Have your homework out and ready for checking at the beginning of the class.
7) Only French materials should be on your desk. All other books and materials should be
placed under your seat.
8) Respect school property. Do not write on the desks or deface bulletin board displays.
9) Raise your hand to speak and do not carry on private conversations in class. They are
distracting and prevent others from listening.
10) See the instructor for permission and missed assignments BEFORE going to music
lessons, student council meetings, driving lessons, special assemblies, field trips, etc.
You must have your work for the day completed and you are responsible for all work
and assignments that you miss. Failure to see the instructor first is a violation of the
school policy and will be treated as a disciplinary matter.
11) There is no credit for your work if your absence is unexcused. Tests, quizzes, and
assignments missed during an unexcused absence cannot be made up. You have 3 days
to turn in any excuse (school policy).
12) Every student is expected to be:
1. Prompt: Be in your assigned seat prepared to learn BEFORE the late bell rings.
If the bell is ringing, you are already late. Remain in your seats until the teacher
dismisses you.
2. Prepared: Bring all required materials including text and homework to class
everyday. Students are not permitted to go to their locker during class.
3. Polite: Treat this class, the teacher and fellow students with respect at all times.
Do not talk while someone else has the floor.
4. Positive: Maintain a positive attitude about learning, class activities, and cultural
1. Pens and/or pencils
2. 3-ring binder
3. Lined paper
Students are expected to bring all of the above to class every day. Students who come to
class unprepared will lose participation points and repeated offenses could result in
disciplinary action.
Students are expected to do their own work. Any student caught copying or allowing
someone to copy his/her work is considered to be cheating. If there is any doubt to the
originality of an assignment, all parties involved will receive a zero. Using a computer or
internet translator to write an assignment is considered cheating and is not acceptable.
These assignments will also receive a zero.
Homework is regularly assigned (generally 3-4 assignments per week). If there is no
written assignment, students are expected to study vocabulary and concepts from the
current chapter. Daily homework assignments are not accepted late unless the student
was legally absent (see Student Handbook). In the case of major projects, students will
lose 20% for every class period that the project is late. No late project will be accepted
more than 2 days after the due date.
Only students who are legally absent will be allowed to make up missed assignments.
Assignments made prior to the student’s absence are due upon returning to school. It is
the student’s responsibility to obtain and complete all work that was assigned during
his/her absence. The student has one week to complete and turn in missed assignments.
A zero will be given for any assignments that were not completed and turned in within
the one week grace period.
Missed tests, presentations and quizzes must be made up before school by appointment (I
am generally here no later than 7:00 every morning). Assignments may be made up
during study halls at the teacher’s discretion. Students must make an appointment with
the teacher to make up tests and quizzes.
In the case of an extended illness, please refer to the information posted on to receive assignments. Upon returning to school, the student should
meet with the teacher to set up a schedule of assignments and due dates.
If a student is going to miss class due to a field trip, school-related activity or prearranged
event (such as driver instruction), s/he must report to class to turn in the day’s assignment
and request the work to hand in upon returning to school in order to receive credit.
Quizzes tests, and presentations take precedence over these activities unless other
arrangements have been made with the instructor.
In the case of an unexcused absence, the student is expected to complete all missed work
for further practice. However, a zero will be given for all missed assignments due to an
unexcused absence as per school policy.
1) Passing the course: Students must satisfactorily meet the requirements listed above as
well as achieve a final average of 70%. However, an average of 80% and a passing grade
on the final exam will be required for promotion to AP French. If the final is not taken,
an incomplete will be assigned.
2) Determining the marking period grade:
Homework: 15%
Speaking-Listening (including oral presentations): 20%
Essays: 15%
Tests and Quizzes (other than reading comprehension): 30%
Reading Comprehension: 20%
3) Determining the final grade: Each marking period counts as 20%, the mid term exam
10% and the final exam counts as 10% as well.
My class is located in room 213. Students who require tutoring or need to make up work
can meet with me before or after school. Please see me in class to make an appointment
to ensure that there will not be any conflicting engagements.
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