Etape 7: Les quatre classes de verbes pronominaux, les verbes pronominaux:
definition et conjugaison au présent, la construction de la phrase avec un verbe
pronominaux, recapitulation des quatre classes de verbes pronominaux, le verbe “faire” +
verbe à l’infinitif.
Etape 8: L’adjectif, la négation, le participle present, l’adjectif qualificatif, les
négations autres que “ne … pas”, la participle présent et son usage comme gérondif.
Etape 9: Le pronom possessif, les pronoms relatifs, les pronoms interrogatifs
simples et composes (lequel/auquel/duquel), les expressions interrogatives “à qui? de
qui?”, le pronom demonstrative défini “celui”, le pronom demonstrative indéfini “ceci,
cela ou ça”, l’art de la révolution.
Etape 10: Napoléon, les verbes de communication et d’expression et le discourse
Etape 11: Le passif, l’infinitif, quelque chose + preposition, l’art du dix-neuvième
Etape 12: Vie litteraire de Jacques Prevert, Albert Camus et Marguerite Duras, l’art
du vingtième siècle.
Other: Short stories, poems, readings, and supplementary vocabulary and grammar will
be introduced throughout the course.
1) Follow all school policies (please refer to handbook).
2) Adhere to the make-up policy (see next page).
3) Chewing gum, eating, and drinking are not permitted in the classroom.
4) Cover your books.
5) Passes are generally not issued during class.
6) Have your homework out and ready for checking at the beginning of the class.
7) Only French materials should be on your desk. All other books and materials should be
placed under your seat.
8) Respect school property. Do not write on the desks or deface bulletin board displays.
9) Raise your hand to speak and do not carry on private conversations in class. They are
distracting and prevent others from listening.
10) See the instructor for permission and missed assignments BEFORE going to music
lessons, student council meetings, driving lessons, special assemblies, field trips, etc.
You must have your work for the day completed and you are responsible for all work
and assignments that you miss. Failure to see the instructor first is a violation of the
school policy and will be treated as a disciplinary matter.
11) There is no credit for your work if your absence is unexcused. Tests, quizzes, and
assignments missed during an unexcused absence cannot be made up. You have 3 days
to turn in any excuse (school policy).