I. Compréhension
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GLADYS: Welcome to Adventure
International. My name is Gladys
Taylor. I’m the camp supervisor. I’m
also a nurse and my job is to look
after you and to see that everything
goes well. Hello to all of you!
VOICES: Hello, Mrs Taylor!
GLADYS: Now, I’d like you to meet
the lady next to me.
LIZ MOOR: Hello! My name is
Elisabeth Moor. I’m your swimming
instructor. You can call me Liz or
Butterfly. That’s my nickname. I’m
from Birmingham. I’m 24 years old,
I’m a gym teacher and I’m training
for the Olympic Games.
BOY: What sport?
LIZ: Swimming, of course! The two
hundred metres butterfly. What
else can I tell you about myself?
BOY: Are you married?
LIZ: No, I’m single but I’m going to
get married next year. Sorry boys.
(laughter) Now I suggest you
introduce yourselves. Let’s start
with you.
DEBORAH: Well, my name is
Deborah Douglas but people call me
Deb. I’m from Glasgow. My father
owns a pub there. I’ve got three
sisters and two brothers. I’m fond
of pop music, I love sport and I hate
school! I’m 15. That’s all!
LIZ: Have you got a nickname, Deb?
DEB: Yes, but it’s a secret.
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