Lesson Thirteen: Review of Contractions

On supprime (on n'ajoute jamais !) des voyelles entre deux mots pour former les formes contractées
des verbes BE et HAVE (sujet + verbe) et pour former la négation avec NOT (verbe + NOT).
Sujet + Verbe : Les deux mots deviennent un mot, et suppriment une voyelle (a ou i pour BE et ha
pour HAVE).
I am = I'm
you are = you're
he is = he's
she is = she's
it is = it's
we are = we're
you are = you're
they are = they're
I have = I've
you have = you've
he has = he's
she has = she's
it has = it's
we have = we've
you have = you've
they have = they've
Verbe + NOT : Les deux mots deviennent un mot, et suppriment o de NOT.
are not = aren't
is not = isn't
have not = haven't
has not = hasn't
do not = don't
does not = doesn't
cannot = can't
could not = couldn't
will not = won't
would not = wouldn't
should not = shouldn't
must not = mustn't
Réécrivez les phrases en utilisant des formes contractées.
1. We have got two dogs and one cat.
2. She does not understand.
3. You are watching TV today.
4. He will not listen to his mother.
5. I cannot play chess.