M. Jean-Michel Adam
L'argumentation dans le dialogue
In: Langue française. N°112, 1996. pp. 31-49.
Jean-Michel Adam, L'argumentation dans le dialogue
Within the frame of textlinguistics and of a theory of the levels of discourse organization, this article provides a study of the forms
of the insertion of argumentation in written dialogues (drama, fiction, newspaper interviews). Argumentation is first dealt with as a
microlinguistic phenomenon (connected clauses and sentences) and is then examined as a macrolinguistic phenomenon
(expanded argumentative sequences).
Citer ce document / Cite this document :
Adam Jean-Michel. L'argumentation dans le dialogue. In: Langue française. N°112, 1996. pp. 31-49.
doi : 10.3406/lfr.1996.5359