Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal Revue canadienne de soins infirmiers

Canadian Oncology
Nursing Journal
Revue canadienne
de soins infirmiers
en oncologie
The ofcial publication of the Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology
La publication ofcielle de l’Association canadienne des inrmières en oncologie
Summer/Été 2013 ISSN: 1181-912X
Volume 23, No. 3 PM#: 40032385
Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal
Revue canadienne de soins infirmiers en oncologie
A publication of the Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology—Une publication de l’Association canadienne des infirmières en oncologie
Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology, 375 West 5th Avenue, Suite 201, Vancouver, BC, V5Y 1J6, E-mail: [email protected]
Summer/Été 2013
Volume 23, No. 3
162 Factors influencing job satisfaction of oncology nurses over time
by Greta Cummings, Karin Olson, Christy Raymond-Seniuk, Eliza Lo, Elmabrok Masaoud, Debra
Bakker, Margaret Fitch, Esther Green, Lorna Butler and Michael Conlon
172 Facteurs influençant la satisfaction professionnelle des infirmières en oncologie au fil du temps
par Greta Cummings, Karin Olsen, Christy Raymond-Senau, Eliza Lo, Elmabrok Masaoud, Debra
Bakker, Margaret Fitch, Esther Green, Lorna Butler et Michael Conlon
182 Challenges having conversations about sexuality in ambulatory settings: Part II—Health care
provider perspectives
by Margaret I. Fitch, Gerry Beaudoin and Beverley Johnson
189 Défis entourant la tenue, dans les services ambulatoires, de conversations sur la sexualité :
Partie II—les perspectives des prestataires de soins
par Margaret I. Fitch, Gerry Beaudoin et Beverley Johnson
197 Sex talk and cancer: Who is asking?
by Deborah L. McLeod and Joan Hamilton
202 Parler de la sexualité dans le contexte du cancer : qui le fait en premier?
par Deborah L. McLeod et Joan Hamilton
Table of Contents/Table des matières
157 Editorial
157 Éditorial
208 CANO Chapters’ Corner
209 Le coin des sections de l’ACIO
212 Director at Large—External Relations Report:
Student update
212 Rapport de la conseillère générale—Relations
externes: Mise à jour sur les étudiant(e)s
213 Director at Large—Education Report: Webinar update
213 Rapport de la conseillère générale—Éducation:
Mise à jour sur les wébinaires
158 Reections on research
159 Réexions sur la recherche
214 Food for thought
215 Matière à réexion
CONJ • RCSIO Summer/Été 2013
Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal
Revue canadienne de soins infirmiers en oncologie
Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal/Revue canadienne de soins infirmiers en oncologie is a refereed journal.
Editor-in-Chief Heather Porter, BScN, PhD, 14-54 Blue Springs Drive, Waterloo, ON N2J 4M4
telephone (519) 886-8590, fax (519) 886-9329, e-mail: [email protected]
Associate Editors Janice Chobanuk, RN, BScN, MN, CON(C)—books/media Jeanne Robertson, RN, B.Arts, BScN, MBA—French materials
Pat Sevean, RN, BScN, EdD—features Sharon Thomson, RN, MSc, BA. MS—manuscript review
Sally Thorne, RN, PhD, FCAHS—research
Reviewers Nicole Allard, RN, MSN, PhD, Bilingual, Maxine Alford, RN, PhD, Karine Bilodeau, inf., PhD(C), French, Joanne Crawford, RN, BScN,
CON(C), MScN, PhD(c), Dauna Crooks, DNSc, MScN, BScN, Jean-François Desbiens, inf., PhD, French, Sylvie Dubois, inf., PhD, Bilingual,
Corsita Garraway, EN(EC), MScN, CON(C), CHPH, Vicki Greenslade, RN, PhD, Virginia Lee, RN, BA, MSC(A), PhD, Bilingual,
Manon Lemonde, RN, PhD, Bilingual, Maurene McQuestion, RN, BA, BScN, MSc, CON(C), Beth Perry, RN, PhD, Karyn Perry BSN, MBA,
Patricia Poirier, PhD, RN, Dawn Stacey, RN, MScN, PhD, (CON), Jennifer Stephens, RN, BSN, MA, OCN, Pamela West, RN, MSc, ACNP,
CON(C), CHPCN(C), Kathleen Willison, RN, MSc, CVAA(c), CHPC(c), Patsy Yates, RN, PhD
Managing Editor Heather Coughlin, 613-735-0952, fax 613-735-7983, e-mail: [email protected]
Production The Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal is produced in conjunction with Pappin Communications, The Victoria Centre,
84 Isabella Street, Pembroke, Ontario K8A 5S5, 613-735-0952, fax 613-735-7983, e-mail [email protected], and
Vice Versa Translation, 144 Werra Rd., Victoria, British Columbia V9B 1N4, 250-479-9969, e-mail: [email protected].
Statement The Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal is the official publication of the Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology, and is
of purpose directed to the professional nurse caring for patients with cancer. The journal supports the philosophy of the national association.
The philosophy is: “The purpose of this journal is to communicate with the members of the Association. This journal currently acts as
a vehicle for news related to clinical oncology practice, technology, education and research. This journal aims to publish timely papers,
to promote the image of the nurse involved in cancer care, to stimulate nursing issues in oncology nursing, and to encourage nurses to
publish in national media.” In addition, the journal serves as a newsletter conveying information related to the Canadian Association
of Nurses in Oncology, it intends to keep Canadian oncology nurses current in the activities of their national association. Recognizing
the value of nursing literature, the editorial board will collaborate with editorial boards of other journals and indexes to increase the
quality and accessibility of nursing literature.
Indexing The Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal/Revue canadienne de soins infirmiers en oncologie is registered with the National Library
of Canada, ISSN 1181-912X, and is indexed in the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, (CINAHL), the
International Nursing Index and Medline.
Membership All nurses with active Canadian registration are eligible for membership in CANO. Contact the CANO national office. Refer to the
Communiqué section for name and contact information of provincial representatives.
Subscriptions The journal is published quarterly in February, May, August and November. All CANO members receive the journal. For
non-members, yearly subscription rates are $119.77 (HST included) for individuals, and $131.88 (HST included) for institutions.
International subscriptions are $156.11 (HST included). Payment must accompany all orders and is not refundable. Make cheques
payable to CANO-CONJ and send to the CANO national office. Notices and queries about missed issues should also be sent to the
CANO national office. Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology, 375 West 5th Avenue, Suite 201, Vancouver, BC V5Y 1J6,; telephone: 604-874-4322; fax: 604-874-4378; email: [email protected]
Author Guidelines for authors are usually included in each issue. All submissions are welcome. At least one author should be a
Information registered nurse, however, the editor has final discretion on suitability for inclusion. Author(s) are responsible for acknowledging all
sources of funding and/or information.
Language Policy/ The Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal is officially a bilingual publication. All journal content submitted and reviewed by the editors
Politique will be printed in both official languages. La Revue canadienne de soins infirmiers en oncologie est une publication officiellement
linguistique bilingue. Le contenu proprement dit de la Revue qui est soumis et fait l’objet d’une évaluation par les rédactrices est publié dans les
deux langues officielles.
Advertising For general advertising information and rates, contact Heather Coughlin, Advertising Manager, Pappin Communications, 84 Isabella St.,
Pembroke, Ontario K8A 5S5, 613-735-0952, fax 613-735-7983, e-mail [email protected]. All advertising correspondence and
material should be sent to Pappin Communications. Online rate card available at:
Opinions expressed in articles published are those of the author(s), and do not necessarily reflect the view of the Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology or
the editorial board of the Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal. Acceptance of advertising does not imply endorsement by CANO or the editorial board of CONJ.
All rights reserved. The law prohibits reproduction of any portion of this journal without permission of the editor.
Summer/Été 2013
Volume 23, No. 3
CONJ • RCSIO Summer/Été 157
Puisqu’il s’agit de mon
tout dernier éditorial pour
la RCSIO, je me suis livrée
à bien des réflexions en vue
de le rédiger. Puis je me
suis souvenue que lorsque
j’ai assumé les fonctions de
rédactrice en chef en 2004, trois de mes
objectifs étaient d’accroître le contenu
en français et notre engagement à cet
effet, de donner à la Revue une présence
en ligne et de susciter l’intérêt des infir-
mières en oncologie travaillant en dehors
des courants principaux de la pratique
oncologique tout autant que celui de leurs
collègues œuvrant dans les centres de can-
cérologie et les hôpitaux. J’estimais alors,
et j’estime encore aujourd’hui, qu’en pri-
vilégiant ces trois priorités, l’information
présentée dans la RCSIO a une incidence
positive sur les soins aux personnes
atteintes de cancer et à leurs proches et
ce, quel que soit l’endroit où ils vivent
dans notre vaste pays.
Je suis fière que l’ensemble du contenu
de la RCSIO paraisse dorénavant dans les
deux langues officielles du Canada et je
suis encore plus fière des infirmières en
oncologie francophones qui soumettent
des articles à la RCSIO et qui font partie
de son comité de lecture ou de son comité
de rédaction. Grâce à leur engagement, la
Revue a la capacité d’accepter des manus-
crits en français et en anglais et de mener
les évaluations par les pairs exigées.
Aujourd’hui, la RCSIO est présente en
ligne par l’intermédiaire du site Web de
l’ACIO/CANO. Les travaux se poursuivent
afin d’offrir en ligne les grands articles
des anciens numéros. Selon le dernier
message reçu de Pappin Communications,
notre éditeur, les articles remontant à 1995
peuvent désormais être consultés dans le
site de l’ACIO-CANO à
Je ne sais pas si j’ai réussi à atteindre
mon troisième objectif, mais j’espère que les
infirmières en oncologie sont toujours plus
nombreuses à apprécier l’utilité de la Revue.
Je trouve rassurant que, dans les sondages
auprès des membres, ces derniers veulent
continuer de recevoir la version papier de la
Revue, jusqu’à présent, en tout cas.
En me tournant vers l’avenir, je suis
enchantée que la Dre Margaret Fitch soit
notre prochaine rédactrice en chef. Sa vaste
expérience des soins infirmiers en onco-
logie, à l’échelle nationale et internatio-
nale, bénéficiera assurément à la RCSIO et
à l’ACIO/CANO. J’ai bien hâte de voir notre
revue prospérer sous sa direction.
Somme toute, j’ai passé neuf merveil-
leuses années à la tête de la Revue cana-
dienne de soins infirmiers en oncologie. Je
n’aurais pas voulu manquer un seul moment
de cette expérience. Merci de m’avoir donné
l’opportunité de servir l’ACIO/CANO dans
cette capacité.
Heather B. Porter, B.Sc.inf., Ph.D.
Rédactrice en chef, Revue canadienne de
soins infirmiers
Since this is my last
editorial for the CONJ,
planning to write it has
necessitated some reflec-
tion. Then I remembered
that when I became editor
in chief in 2004, three of my
goals were: to increase French content and
commitment, to put the CONJ online and
to engage the interest of oncology nurses
working away from the mainstream of
oncology practice, as well as those in cancer
centres and hospitals. I felt then, and still
do, that in these three ways, information
contained in the CONJ can positively affect
the care of cancer patients and their fami-
lies wherever they live in our vast country
of Canada.
I’m proud that the CONJ is now pub-
lished completely in both official Canadian
languages and I’m prouder still of the
French-speaking oncology nurses who sub-
mit articles to the CONJ and who are part
of the CONJ review board or the edito-
rial board. Because of their involvement,
the CONJ has the capacity to accept man-
uscripts in either English or French and to
conduct appropriate peer reviews.
The CONJ is now online through the
CANO/ACIO website. Work continues in an
effort to put the main articles from back
issues online, as well. The last note from
Pappin Communications, our publisher, is
that they have uploaded to our CANO web-
site ( the articles from
1995 onward.
I don’t know if my third goal has been
achieved, but hopefully more oncology
nurses are finding the CONJ useful. It has
been reassuring to note in the membership
surveys that members still want the journal
in print, for now anyway.
To the future—I am delighted that Dr.
Margaret Fitch is the incoming editor in
chief. Her wide experience in oncology nurs-
ing, nationally and worldwide, will bene-
fit the CONJ, and CANO, a very great deal.
I look forward to seeing our journal prosper
under her guidance.
All in all, it’s been a wonderful nine years
for me, as editor in chief of the Canadian
Oncology Nursing Journal. I wouldn’t have
missed a moment of the experience. Thank
you for the opportunity to serve CANO in
this way.
Heather B. Porter, BScN, PhD
Editor in Chief, Canadian Oncology
Nursing Journal
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