Pol Vandevelde
Professor of Philosophy
Office Address: Department of Philosophy
Coughlin Hall
PO Box 1881
Milwaukee, WI 53201-1881
Telephone:(414) 288-5962 E-Mail Address: [email protected]
FAX:(414) 288-6830
Special fields:
Contemporary French and German Philosophy, Phenomenology, Hermeneutics, Critical Theory,
Philosophy of Literature
Education: Institution Degree Date Field of Study
Undergraduate Catholic University of Louvain “Licence” 1982 Romance Languages
and Literatures
Catholic University of Louvain “Licence” 1984 Philosophy
Catholic University of Louvain “Licence” 1986 Linguistics
Graduate/ Goethe-Universität Frankfurt N/A 1984-85 Philosophy
Professional Albert-Universität Freiburg N/A 1989 Philosophy
Catholic University of Louvain “Doctorat” 1990 Philosophy
Post Graduate University of Pennsylvania N/A 1990 Philosophy
and Temple University (1 sem.)
Employment: Institution Title Date
Institut de Nazareth, (Differt, Belgium), High School teacher 1982-1983
Institut Saint-Joseph (Saint-Hubert, Belgium), High School teacher 1983
Collège Notre-Dame de Basse-Wavre
(Wavre, Belgium) High School teacher 1983-1984
Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique
(Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research) Research Fellow 1986-1990
Centre d'Études Théologiques et Pastorales Part-time instructor 1991
Brussels (Belgium)
Marquette University Assistant Professor 1991-1997
Associate Professor 1997-2006
Full Professor 2006-present
Klingler Humanities Fellowship (2010-2013)
Director of the book series Issues in Phenomenology and Hermeneutics, Continuum Press
(with Kevin Hermberg)
Associate researcher of the “Séminaire interdisciplinaire de recherche littéraire,” Facultés
universitaires Saint-Louis, Bruxelles, Belgium
Keynote address at the Graduate Students Conference, University of Gonzaga, April
Keynote Speaker for the Laghi Lecture, Pontifical College Josephinum, Ohio, March
Grant from the Helen Way Klingler College of Arts & Sciences for organizing the
Seminar on Phenomenology and Hermeneutics, 2001-2011
Marquette University Summer Fellowships: 1992, 1994, 1998, 2004.
Marquette University Regular Research Grants: 1992, 1993, 2004.
Mellon Grant, 1995, 2001
University of Wisconsin Center for International Studies Small Grant, 1995
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Study and Research Grant for Faculty. Fink-
Archiv, Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg, May-August 2002
First Prize: Concours Annuel 1993 de l’Académie Royale de Belgique for the manuscript
of a monograph on Heidegger, 1993
Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique, full-time Research Fellowship, 1986-1990
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst One-year Scholarship, University of Frankfurt,
Germany, 1985-1986.
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Language Scholarship, Goethe-Institut,
Freiburg, Germany, August-September 1985
Authored books
14. Heidegger and the Romantics: The Literary Invention of Meaning. London/New York:
Routledge, 2012, xiv-202 p.
13. The Task of the Interpreter: Text, Meaning, and Negotiation. University of Pittsburgh Press,
2005, 256 p. (Reviewed in: American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 81 (2007), 694-699 by
Vincent Colapietro; Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, October 2006, by Michael Krausz
(2,500 words); Technical Bookstore.com, 2006, by Richard Palmer)
12. Être et Discours. La question du langage dans l'itinéraire de Heidegger (1927-1938). Bruxelles:
Académie Royale de Belgique, 1994, 270 p. (Awarded First Prize by the Royal Academy of
Belgium). (Reviewed in: Revue Philosophique de Louvain, 3 (1995), 449-451 by Pavlos Kontos;
Les Etudes Philosophiques, 3 (1997), 422-423 by Isabelle Koch; Les Etudes Classiques, 66
(1998), 148-149 by Nathalie Frogneux)
Edited and Translated Books
11. Variations on Truth: Approaches in Contemporary Phenomenology, ed. Pol Vandevelde and
Kevin Hermberg. London: Continuum, 2011, 238 p.
10. Phenomenology and Literature, ed. Pol Vandevelde. Würzburg, Germany: Koenigshausen und
Neumann, 2010, 278 p.
9. Karl-Otto Apel, Transformation de la philosophie, volume 2, textes rassemblés et traduits sous la
direction de Pol Vandevelde. Paris: Les Editions du Cerf, 2010, 618 p.
8. Epistemology, Archaeology, Ethics: Current Investigations of Husserl’s Corpus, ed. Pol
Vandevelde and Sebastian Luft. London: Continuum, 2010, 240 p. (Paperback edition, 2012).
7. Pierre Rousselot, Essays on Love and Knowledge, ed. Andrew Tallon and Pol Vandevelde, trans.
Andrew Tallon, Pol Vandevelde, and Alan Vincelette. Vol. 3 of The Collected Philosophical
Works of Pierre Rousselot. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 2008, 264 p.
6. Issues in Interpretation Theory, ed. Pol Vandevelde. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press,
2006, 299 p.
5. Edmund Husserl, Autour des Méditations Cartésiennes, trans. from German by Natalie Depraz
and Pol Vandevelde. Grenoble: Millon, 1998, 307 p.
4. Paul Ricoeur, A Key to Edmund Husserl’s Ideas. Edited by Pol Vandevelde, trans. B. Harris and
J. Bouchard Spurlock. Marquette University Press, 1996, 176 p.
3. Martin Heidegger, Aristote, “Métaphysique IX 1-3.” De l'essence et de la réalité de la force,
trans. from German by Bernard Stevens and Pol Vandevelde. Paris: Gallimard, 1991, 225 p.
Edited Translations
2. Bernard Montagnes, The Doctrine of the Analogy of Being according to Thomas Aquinas, trans.
E. M. Macierowski. Translation reviewed and corrected by Pol Vandevelde. Milwaukee:
Marquette University Press, 2004, 208 pages.
1. Pierre Rousselot, The Problem of Love in the Middle Ages: A Historical Contribution, trans. Alan
Vincelette. Translation revised and corrected by Pol Vandevelde. Milwaukee: Marquette
University Press, 2001, 277 p.
49. “Narrative,” in Soeren Overgaard and Sebastian Luft (eds.), The Routledge Companion to
Phenomenology, New York: Routledge, 2012, 360-69.
48. “The Phenomenological Correlation between Consciousness and Object Faced with its
Hermeneutical Challenge,” in Variations on Truth: Approaches in Contemporary
Phenomenology, ed. Pol Vandevelde and Kevin Hermberg. London: Continuum, 2011, 3- 21.
47. “Heidegger’s Fluid Ontology in the 1930s: The Platonic Connection,” in Variations on Truth:
Approaches in Contemporary Phenomenology, ed. Pol Vandevelde and Kevin Hermberg.
London: Continuum, 2011, 109-126.
46. “Literature and Phenomenology: A Historical Perspective,” in Phenomenology and Literature, ed.
Pol Vandevelde. Würzburg: Koenigshausen und Neumann, 2010, 8-42.
45. Translation as Poetry: Heidegger’s Reformulation of the Romantic Project,” in Phenomenology
and Literature, ed. Pol Vandevelde. Würzburg: Koenigshausen und Neumann, 2010, 93-113.
44. “Strengths and Limitations of Discourse Ethics: The Contribution of Karl-Otto Apel,” Philosophy
Today, 2010, 54:2, 153-164.
43. “What is the Ethics of Interpretation?,” in Consequences of Hermeneutics, ed. Jeff Malpas and
Santiago Zabala, Evanston, IL.: Northwestern University Press, 2010, 288-305.
42. “Literature,” in Hans Rainer Sepp and Lester Embree (eds.), Handbook of Phenomenological
Aesthetics. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2010, 187-192.
41. Reprint: “Communication and Rational Justification: A Phenomenological Stance,Philosophy
and Social Criticism, 27 (2001), 55-79. Re-printed in David Rasmusen and James Swindal (eds.),
Habermas II, London: Sage Publications, 2009 [Same as 24].
40. “Karl-Otto Apel et le projet d’une nouvelle forme de philosophie transcendantale,” in Karl-Otto
Apel, Transformation de la philosophie, volume 2, textes rassemblés et traduits sous la direction
de Pol Vandevelde. Paris: Les Editions du Cerf, 2009, 9-59.
39. “Le modèle de la traductibilité chez Husserl et Ricoeur. L’exemple de la littérature,” Studia
Phaenomenologica, vol. VIII (2008), 159-175.
38. “Between Epistemic Virtue and Metaphysics of Knowledge: The Place of Love in Pierre
Rousselot’s Epistemology,” in Pierre Rousselot, Essays on Love and Knowledge, ed. Andrew
Tallon and Pol Vandevelde, trans. Andrew Tallon, Pol Vandevelde, and Alan Vincelette. Vol. 3
of The Collected Philosophical Works of Pierre Rousselot. Milwaukee: Marquette University
Press, 2008, 22-50.
37. “An Unpleasant but Felicitous Ambiguity: Sinn and Bedeutung in Husserl’s Revisions of the
Logical Investigations, in Filip Mattens (ed.), Meaning and Language: Phenomenological
Perspectives, Dordrecht: Springer, 2008, p. 27-48.
36. “The challenge of the “such as it was”: Ricoeur’s Theory of Narratives,” in David Kaplan (ed.),
Reading Ricoeur. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2008, 141-162.
35. “Le pardon communautaire est-il possible? Le problème posé par Disgrâce de J.M. Coetzee,”
Revue de Théologie et de Philosophie, 139 (2007), 65-77.
34. “Derrida’s Intentional Skepticism. A Husserlian Response,” The Journal of the British Society for
Phenomenology, 36 (2005), 160-178.
33. “Sind die Grenzen der Sprache die Grenzen meiner Welt? Eine phänomenologische Kritik an
Derrida,” Philosophica 6 (2005), 303-313.
32. “A Pragmatic Critique of Pluralism in Text Interpretation,” Metaphilosophy, 36 (2005), 501-521.
31 “Intersubjectivity and the Instability of the Transcendental Ego in Husserl,” Laghi lecture.
Josephinum Journal of Theology, 11 Supplement (2004), 269-302.
30. “Platonisme et romantisme chez Heidegger entre 1936 et 1945,” Existentia, 14 (2004), 95-118.
29. Diuina eloquia cum legente crescunt. Does Gregory the Great Mean a Subjective or an
Objective Growth?” Rivista di storia della filosofia, 58 (2003), 611-636.
28. “Sens et langue chez Heidegger. L’aporie de la voie politique entre 1933 et 1935,” Études
phénoménologiques, 37-38 (2003), 149-174.
27. “Literatur und Wahrheit am Beispiel Ernesto Sabatos,” in Hans Rainer Sepp and Jürgen Trinks
(eds.), Literatur als Phänomenologisierung. Vienna: Turia & Kant, 2003, 30-63.
26. “L’interprétation comme acte de conscience et comme événement. Une critique de Gadamer,” in
Laurent Van Eynde (ed.), Littérature et savoir(s), Brussels: Publications des facultés
universitaires Saint-Louis, 2002, 41-64.
25. “Deux paradigmes du rôle du langage dans la formation du sens: John Searle et Martin
Heidegger,” Existentia, 11 (2001), 67-111.
24. “Communication and Rational Justification: A Phenomenological Stance,” Philosophy and Social
Criticism, 27 (2001), 55-79. Re-printed in David Rasmusen and James Swindal (eds.), Habermas
II, London: Sage Publications, 2009 [Same as 41].
23. “Karl-Otto Apel’s Critique of Heidegger,” The Southern Journal of Philosophy, 38 (2000), 651-
22. “La littérature comparée,” in Guy Jucquois and Christophe Vielle (eds.), Le comparatisme dans
les sciences de l’homme. Approches pluridisciplinaires, Bruxelles/Paris: De Boeck Université,
2000, 245-280.
21. “Poetry as a Subversion of Narratives in Heidegger,” American Catholic Philosophical
Quarterly, 72 (1999), 239-254.
20. “La traduction comme interprétation. Une comparaison et quelques répercussions théoriques,”
Existentia, 8 (1998), 1-26.
19. “Foreword: The A Priori of Language in Apel’s Transcendental Philosophy,” in Karl-Otto Apel,
Towards a Transformation of Philosophy. Reprint. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press,
1998, xiii-xxxviii.
18. “Afterword: Karl Jaspers in a Postmodern Era: Communication v. Dissemination,” in Karl
Jaspers, Reason and Existenz. Reprint. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 1997, 159-181.
17. “Coexistence et communication. Un point de vue phénoménologique,” in Marc Richir and Natalie
Depraz (eds.), Eugen Fink. Actes du Colloque de Cerisy-la-Salle 23-30 juillet 1994. Amsterdam:
Rodopi, 1997, 247-269.
16. “Phénoménologie et Existentialisme,” in J. Bessière, E. Kushner, R. Mortier, J. Weisgerber (eds.),
Histoire des poétiques. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1997, 409-416.
15. “Paul Ricoeur: Narrative and Phenomenon,” in Paul Ricoeur, A Key to Edmund Husserl’s Ideas.
Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 1996, 7-29.
14. Vergegenwärtigung et présence originale chez Husserl: Le rôle de l’articulation langagière,”
Recherches Husserliennes, 6 (1996), 91-116.
13. “Ontologie et récit selon Ricoeur: Une application au roman de Günter Grass, Les années de
Chien,Études de Lettres, 3-4 (1996), 195-213.
12. “Avant-Propos: Langage et Phénoménologie,” Études phénoménologiques, 20 (1994), 3-9.
11. “Communication et monde vécu chez Husserl,” Études Phénoménologiques, 20 (1994), 65-100.
10. “Articulation et communication. L'exemple de la littérature,” in Robert Brisart and Raphaël Célis
(eds.), La voix des phénomènes. Contributions à une phénoménologie du sens et des affects.
Brussels: Presses Universitaires de Saint-Louis, 1995, 111-146.
9. “L'oeuvre d'art comme discours. Heidegger et la question de la discursivité,” Heidegger Studies,
9 (1993), 125-136.
8. “The Notion of ‘Discourse’ and ‘Text’ in Postmodernism. Some Historical Roots,” Philosophy
and Theology, 6 (1992), 181-200.
7. “Heidegger et la poésie. De Sein und Zeit au premier cours sur Hölderlin,” Revue Philosophique
de Louvain, 85 (1992), 5-31.
6. “Aristote et Heidegger à propos du Logos. L’enjeu de la discursivité d’une traduction,” Revue de
Philosophie Ancienne, 9 (1991), 169-198.
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