The study of the high energy emission is essential for understanding the radiative processes inherent
to accretion flows onto compact objects (black holes and neutron stars). The X/γ-ray continuum of these
systems is successfully interpreted in terms of two components. The first component corresponds to
blackbody emission from a geometrically thin optically thick accretion disk while the second component
is generally associated to Compton scattering of the thermal disk flux offhot electrons. Despite conside-
rable advances throughout the years, the heating mechanisms as well as the structure of the hot Compto-
nizing plasma remain poorly understood. In order to shed light on the physical processes that govern the
innermost regions of the accretion flow, we take advantage of the data archive accumulated by the SPI
instrument, a high energy spectrometer (20 keV – 8 MeV) developed at the CESR (now IRAP, Toulouse,
France) for the INTEGRAL mission. Above 150 keV, SPI combines a unique spectral resolution with
unequalled sensitivity, being thus an ideal tool to study the high energy emission of accreting compact
In this manuscript, I present the results of timing and spectral studies of three particular systems.
First, I address the high energy emission of the enigmatic microquasar GRS 1915+105, a source cha-
racterized by colossal luminosity and strong chaotic variability in X-rays. On a timescale of about one
day, the photon index of the 20 – 200 keV spectrum varies between 2.7 and 3.5 ; at higher energies
(>150 keV), SPI unveils the systematic presence of an additional emission component, extending wi-
thout folding energy up to ∼500 keV. Second, I study the high energy emission of GX 339–4, a source
whose spectral properties are representative of black hole transients. The spectrum of the luminous hard
state of this system shows a variable high energy tail (>150 keV), with significant flux changes on a short
timescale (several hours). I explain the observed spectral variability in the framework of a new Comp-
tonization model which accounts self-consistently for the presence of a magnetic field and introduce a
purely non-thermal scenario as an alternative interpretation of the luminous hard state of accreting black
hole binaries. Finally, I present a long term study of the high energy emission of the X-ray burster GS
1826–24. The accretion flow being extraordinarily stable, I integrated over 8 Msec of data allowing to
measure the average source spectrum up to 500 keV. Once again, there is strong evidence for a hard spec-
tral tail above 150 keV, establishing that this feature is not exclusively associated to black hole systems.
I compare the results obtained for the three sources and discuss the possible physical origins of the high
energy emission of stellar-size compact objects, highlighting that all observed spectral shapes can be
explained by a non-thermal magnetized corona model.