* Le GERONDIF (base verbale + -ing) s'emploie :
- après certaines prépositions : of, about, for, instead of,.....etc.
--> .... instead of getting wet in the country. --> What about going to the country ?
- après les verbes de sentiment : like, dislike, hate, love, enjoy, be fond of, ....etc.
--> Are you fond of camping ?
- après des expressions telles que : I can't stand, I can't bear, I don't mind,...etc.
--> I don't mind sleeping in the open.
And now, the exercise !!!
Questions:Mettre dans l’ordre
walk | what | ? | going | for | about | Oh, | a | ……………………………………………………………
the | don't | when | sleeping | in | open | it | fine. | mind | I | is |
what | country | the | going | to | about | tomorrow | ? | So, |
for | shoes | I | not | My | made | bear | can't | jogging. | jogging | are |
home | of | wet? | instead | scrabble | getting | not | play | Why | at |
of | fond | Are | camping | ? | you |
Gérondif ou infinitif
Quand un verbe est précédé d'un autre verbe, il peut être soit à l'infinitif,
soit au gérondif.
Les principaux verbes qui sont suivis d'un gérondif sont :
- to keep- to remember- to enjoy- to avoid- to mind- to give up
- ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Les principaux verbes qui sont suivis d'un infinitif sont :
- To expect- to want- to hope- to try - to refuse- to manage - to hesitate
- ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Il existe aussi des cas particuliers :
-to start qui peut être suivi indifféremment d'un gérondif ou d'un infinitif
(he started laughing / he sarted to laugh)
-to intend (he intends to grow potatoes in his orchard / he intends
growing potatoes in his orchard)
-to stop, qui peut être suivi d'un gérondif :
He stopped walking il s'arrêta de marcher
ou de 'to', qui est alors l'expression du but, et de la base verbale :
He stopped (in order) to look at her Il s'arrêta pour (afin de) la regarder
exercice : mettre le verbe entre parenthèses à l'infinitif ou au gérondif selon les cas
1. I expect you ______________________________(work) more
2. You ought to give up ______________________________ (smoke)
3. Though he was out of breath, he kept ______________________________ (run)
4. He avoided ______________________________ (look)at her
5. He's been hesitating ______________________________ (leave)or not for years
6. He refused ______________________________ (let)her go to the party
7. After several hours, I managed ______________________________ (finish)it
8. Would you mind ______________________________ (lock) the door ?
9. I really enjoyed ______________________________ (talk)to you
10. He was reading the newspaper, but he stopped ______________________________ (watch)TV
11. He expects ______________________________ (go) to Spain next summer
12. I remember _______________________ (walk) for hours through the forest when I was young
13. He wanted to go to the swimming-pool, so he stopped ____________________________ (read)
14. They tried ______________________________ (hang) on but they couldn't
15. I hope ______________________________ (become) a famous singer
16. He wants ______________________________ (get) better marks
17. He kept ______________________________(shout) , but he was out of hearing
18. She was unable to give up ______________________________ (smoke)
19. They didn't want ______________________________ (be) so rude
20. I refuse ______________________________ (pay)
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