3ème ABCD – 3ème période – 2008/2009
C. BERTRAND – Page 3/4
A– Vocabulaire :……………………../6
1/des colons 2/ abolir 3/ un habitant 4/ une frontière 5/ un gratte-ciel 6/ une manifestation 7/ détruire
8/ détourner 9/une croisière 10/ épicé 11/ essence (GB) 12/ classe (US)
1/settlers 2/ to abolish 3/ an inhabitant 4/ a border 5/ a
skyscraper 6/ a demonstration 7/ to destroy 8/to hijack 9/a cruise
10/ spicy 11/ petrol (GB) 12/ grade (US)
B- Toutes ces phrases sont fausses. Corrige-les : Réécris toutes les phrases correctes :……………………../4
1/ The Appalachians are islands. 2/ America became independent in the 19th century. 3/ On July 4th 2001,
terrorists destroyed the Twin Towers. 4/ The Pilgrim Fathers came to America to find gold (gold = or).
1/ The Appalachians are mountains. 2/ America became independent
in the 18thcentury/ in 1776. 3/ On September 11th 2001, terrorists
destroyed the Twin Towers. 4/ The Pilgrim Fathers came to
America to find religious freedom.
C- Construis des phrases brèves exprimant la similitude ou la différence en fonction de ce qui est vrai pour
toi :……………………../5
1/ She won’t pass her exam. 2/ You didn’t work yesterday. 3/ He had a big breakfast this morning. 4/ She
is rich. 5/ They can speak Russian.
1/ Neither will I/ I will 2/ Neither did I / I did 3/ So did I / I
didn’t 4/ So am I/ I am not. 5/ So can I / I can’t.
D- Un groupe de touristes visite Pise . Imagine les 10 questions qu’ils peuvent poser à leur guide sur Pise
ou la Tour de Pise :……………………../10
1/temperature in Pise in July ? 2/ length of the river Arno that goes trough Pise 3/ distance from the
hotel ? 4/ time to get there ?5/ age ? 6/ height ? 7/ weight ? 8/ number of steps ? 9/ time to get to the
top ? 10/ price for a ticket ?
1/How hot is it in Pise in July ? 2/ How long is the river Arno ….3/
How far is it from the hotel ? 4/ How long does it take to get there
? 5/ How old is it ? 6/ How high is it ? 7/ How heavy is it ? 8/ How
many steps are there ? 9/ How long does it take to go to the top ?
10/ How much is it for a ticket ?
E- Complète avec so, so much, so many (Tu réécriras toutes les phrases en mettant en évidence le mot
1/ There are ………countries I would like to visit.!2/ There was ………noise in the hotel that no one could sleep.
3/ I was ……… tired after the interview : I had to answer ………………………… questions !
1/ There are SO MANY countries I would like to visit.!2/ There was
SO MUCH noise in the hotel that no one could sleep. 3/ I was SO
tired after the interview : I had to answer SO MANY questions !