ﯿﺣﺮﻟا ﻦﻤﺣاﻢﺴﺑ
Sudan University of Sciences and Technology
College of Graduate Studies
Les Problèmes des sons vocaliques chez les apprenants
arabophones Soudanais
(Étude de cas de l’Universi Islamique d’Omdurman, Etudiantes de Troisième année)
ﻦﯿﯿﻧادﻮﺴﻟا بﻼﻄﻟا ىﺪ ﺔﯿﺴﻧﺮﻔﻟا ﺔﻐﻠﻟا ﻲﻓ ﻌﻟا فوﺮﺣ ﻖﻄﻧ تﻼﻜﺸﻣ
ﺔﯿﻣﻼﺳﻹا نﺎﻣرد مأ ﺔﻌﺎﺟ تﺎﺒﻟﺎط ﺎﺣ ﺳارد)-(ﺜﻟﺎﺜﻟا ﺔﺮﻔﻟا
Problems of pronunciation of French vowel letters among
Sudanese students
(A case study of Omdurman Islamic University students)
Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment for the requirement of M.A Degree in French
Prepared By:
Shadia Ali Issa Wadi.
(Bachelor of Arts (French language) of Omdurman Islamic University, 2011)
Dr. Zaki Abd Alkarim Osman.
September 2014
Je dédie ce modeste travail :
A ma chère famille.
A mes chers amis.
Je tien á remercier tout dabord Allah qui m’a donné la force et le courage pour
poursuivre mes études et réaliser ce travail.
Mes remerciements chaleureusement suivis d’un plaisir immense s’adressent á mon
directeur de recherche Dr. Zaki Abd Alkarim, pour avoir relu avec tant de soin mon
travail et sans lui ce travail n’aurait jamais exis et pour ses conseils, ses
commentaires positifs et pertinents, sa grand disponibilité, de plus, c’est gce á lui
ce travail fait la grand joie de ma vie.
Merci á tous mes professeurs surtout ceux de Master Dr. Ahmed Hamid, Dr. Niemat
Karamalla, Dr.Mohamed Tahir.
Mes remerciements vont également à Dr. Bachir Mohamed Adam pour son aide de
trouver des références et ses conseils.
Je remercier particulièrement du fond de mon cœur à mes chers parents qui ont
toujours allumé ma vie et m’ont orienté vers un meilleur apprentissage sans arrêt.
Finalement, merci à mes frères, mes sœurs et à tous ceux qui me soutiennent pour
aliser ce travail, à mes meilleurs amis et camarades de master avec qui j’ai passé
des moments agables.
ﺚﺤﺒﻟا ﺺﻠﺨﺘﺴﻣ
ﺷﻣ ثﺣﺑﻟا اذﻫ لوﺎﻧﺗﯾرا ﺔﻐﻠﻟا ﻲﻓ ﺔﻠﻌﻟا فورﺣ قطﻧ ت بﻼطﻟا ىدﻟ نﯾﻘطﺎﻧﻟا نﯾﯾﻧادوﺳﻟاﯾﺑرﻌﻟﺎ.ﺔ
بﻼطﻟا ءﻻؤﻫ ﺎﻬﻬاو ﻲﺗﻟا تﻼﻛﺷﻣﻟا ددﺣﺗ ﻰﻟإ ثﺣﺑﻟا اذﻫ فدﻫ دﻗوﻫ قﯾﻘﺣﺗﻟو ،فورﺣﻟا ﻩذﻫ قطﻧ ﻲﻓ اذ
. ثﺣا ﺔط ﻪﺗﻣءﻼﻣﻟ ﻲﻠﻠﺣا ﻔﺻوﻟا ﻧﻣﻟا ﺔﺳرادﻟا تﻌﺑﺗا فدﻬﻟا
ﻬﺻﺋو ﯾﺳﻧرﻔﻟا ﺔﻠﻌﻟا فور صﺧﯾ ﺎ ، ﺔﯾرظ ارد ﻬﻧﻣ لوا لوﺎﻧﺗ ،لوﺻﻓ ﺔﺛﻼﺛ ﻰﻟا ثﺣﺑﻟا مﺳُ
ﯾﺳﻧرﻔﻟاو ﺔزﻠﺟﻧﻹاو ﺔﯾﺑرﻌﻟا ﺔﻐﻠﻟ تاوﺻﻷا مظﻧ نﯾﺑ ﺔﻧرﻘﻣو ،. ﺔ
ةدﺎﻣ ﺔﺻﺎﺧ ﯾﺳﯾردﺗﻟا ﻋﺎﺳ دد ثﯾﺣ ن ﺔﺳاردﻟا داو ﻲﻣﯾدا بﺎﺟﻟﺎﺑ ﻲﻧﺎﺛﻟا لا صﺗﺧاو
.ثﻟﻟا ىوﻣﻟا ، ﻼﺳﻹا نﺎﻣرد مأ ﺔﻌ نﻣ تﺎﺑﻟط ﺔﻧﯾﻌﻟا تﻧﺎﻛو ، تﺎﯾوﺻﻟا
دﻘﺗ مصﻧ ﻰﻠﻋ ﺔﻧﯾﻌﻟا تﻠﻣﺷاو ،ﺔﺳاردﻟا ﺔﻧﯾﻋ لﯾﺗﺑ صﺗﺧا دﻘﻓ ، ثﻟﺎﺛﻟا لﺻﻔﻟا ﺎﻣأ ﻠﻟ ضرﻐﺑ بﻼط
.ًاو بطﻟا ءﻻؤﻫ رﺎا نو ، صﻧﻠﻟ مﻬﺗءار لﯾﺟﺳﺗ
: ﺞﺋﺎﺗﺑ ثﺣﺑﻟا جردو كﻟذ ﻲﻓ بﺑﺳاو ﺔﯾﺳﻧرﻔﻟا ﺔﻠﻌﻟا فورﺣ قطﻧ رﯾﺑﻛ فﻌﺿ مﻬﯾدﻟ بﻼطﻟا نأ
سﻔﻧﻟﻘﺛا مدﻰﻟا ﻊﺟرﯾ، ﺔﯾﻓﺎﻛ رﯾﻏ توﺻﻟا ةد ﺔﯾﺳﯾردﺗﻟا تﺎﻋﺎﺳﻟا دد نّأ ﻰﻟإ ﺔﻓﺎﺿإا نأو ، بﻼطﻟ
تﺎﻐﻠﻠﻟ ﺔﯾﺗوﺻﻟا ﺔﻣظﻧﻷا ن فﻼﺗﻻاو، ﺔﯾﺳﻧرا ﺔﻐﻠﻟﺎﺑ قطﺎﻧ ذﺎﺗﺳأ نﻣ ةدﺎﻣﻟا ﻩذﻫ اوردُ ْنأ نوﻠﺿﻔﯾ
.و ﻘطﻧ ﺔﻔﯾﻛ ﻲﻓ (رﻔﻟاو ﺔﯾزﯾﻠﺟﻧاو ﯾﺑرﻌﻟا) ثﻼﺛﻟا
: ﻰﻟﺎﺗﺔﺳرادﻟا ﻲﺻوﺗو ﻲﺗﻟا لﺎﺳوﻟا روﺗو ، تﺎﯾﺗوا ررﻘﻣ تﺎﻋﺎددﻋ ةدﺎﯾزمﺎﻬﺳإ ﺎﻬﯾد ﻲﻓ رﯾﺑ
ﻲﺗوﺻﻟا ﺢﯾﺣﺻﺗﻟا ﺞﻬﻧﻣ مادﺳا لﺛﻣ بﻼطﻟا ءطﺧأ ﺢﯾﺣ ﻫﺎﻧﻣو ،تاوﺻﻷا لﺎﻌﻣ ًﺔﺻﺎﺧ ،ﺎﻬﺳﯾردﺗ
méthode verbo-tonal) (le سﯾردﺗﻟا ﺞﻣارﺑ ﻲﻓ عوﺗﻟاو رﻌﺷﻟاو ﻰﻘﯾﺳوﻣﻟا لﺛﻣ، ﺔﯾﻘﯾﺑطﺗﻟا.
This research deals with the pronunciation problems of vowels that face the
Sudanese Arabic native speakers who learn French as a foreign language at the
tertiary level.
This research aims at identifying the problems faced by these students in the
pronunciation of the vowel sounds. The researcher uses the descriptive analytical
method to achieve the objective of the study because it is relevant to the nature of
the study.
The study is divided into three chapters: the first chapter deals with the theoretical
aspects which include the French vowels and their characteristics, and a comparison
between the system sounds of Arabic, English and French.
The second chapter talks about the material of academic study in terms of the number
of hours specifically hours of the phonetics and phonology, and the sample was
students from Omdurman Islamic University, the third level.
The third chapter singled out the analysis of the sample which included a text
presented to the students for the purpose of recording their reading of the text. The
students are selected randomly. The results of the study are as followings: students
have a significant weakness in the pronunciation the vowels of the French language
and the reason for this is due to lack of self-confidence, in addition to the number of
hours of teaching the sound system are inadequate, and students prefer to study this
subject by a native French professor as well. The difference between sound systems
of Arabic, English and French affect on how to pronounce and write them.
The study there for recommends: The numbers of hours for teachings phonology
are to be increased, making available teaching technology that assist in teaching
sound system of the French language such as language lab. Also it recommends
using error correction method such as (Le method verbo-tonal) and to diverse the
teaching sources such as songs and poetry.
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