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Psychology@LSE, London School of Economics and Political Science
Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE
Tel.: +44(0)20 7107 5475
Assistant Professor in Social Psychology/Economic Psychology,
Psychology@LSE, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
Associate professor of Business administration (consumer behaviour unit)
University of Rennes 1, Graduate School of Management, France
Full-time teaching fellow (Attaché temporaire d'enseignement et de recherche
(ATER) à temps plein), University of Rennes 1, Graduate School of Management
Part-time teaching fellow (Attaché temporaire d'enseignement et de recherche
(ATER) à mi-temps), University of Rennes 1, Graduate School of Management
Research assistant (Allocataire moniteur normalien (AMN)), University of Rennes
1, Graduate School of Management
PhD in Business Administration Consumer behaviour (Sciences de Gestion,
spécialité comportement du consommateur), University of Rennes 1, France,
Summa cum Laude
Thesis: L’incorporation des food imitating products : la métaphore alimentaire des produits
d’hygiène entre marketing, santé publique et neurosciences sociales” [Food imitating
products: the food metaphor of cleansing products, perspectives from marketing,
public health and social neuroscience] (624pp.)
Supervisors: Prof. Ph. Robert-Demontrond & Prof. O. Oullier.
Committee: Prof. J. Brée, Prof. G. Cliquet, Prof. R. Ladwein, Dr. M. Pessiglione.
M.Sc., Organisational studies (Rank: 1st/11), University of Nantes, France, Summa
cum Laude
Dissertation: Emotions et organisation dans un centre d’appels antipoison [Emotions
and organisation in a poison control centre] (184pp.)
Supervisors: Prof. D. Thiel & Dr. C. Clergeau.
Agrégation in Economics and Management (Rank: 1st/799), Summa cum Laude
[National competitive exam for teaching in French high schools]
M.Sc., Law and Management, University of Rennes 1, France, with honours
Dissertation: La Societas Cooperativa Europaea : une insertion de l’Economie Sociale dans
le Marché Intérieur [Societas Cooperativa Europaea: Introducing social economy in
common market] (55pp.)
Supervisors: Prof. J.-Ch. Poutineau & Dr. J.-B. Lehnof.
B.A., Law, University of Rennes 1, France
M.Sc., Law, Economics and Management (Cachan, France) (Rank: 3rd/209),
Ecole Normale Supérieure (Cachan), [French Grande École] Magna cum Laude
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LSE Departmental RIIF (£5,600, with Pr. Saadi Lahlou)
Award from IGR-IAE Foundation for Research in Management science (2,000)
Award from Rennes 1 University Foundation “Progress, Innovation, Entrepreneurship
for one of the best PhD dissertation in Social sciences (1,000)
Competitive doctoral fellowship (Rank 1st/20), French Ministry for Research
Full fellowship, Ecole Normale Supérieure (Cachan, France)
Le Monde de l’Education Poetry award
Staff-Student liaison committee (Chair), Psychology@LSE, London School of
Economics and Political Science, UK
Elected member, Scientific council, IGR-IAE de Rennes (Graduate School of
Management), University of Rennes 1, France
Elected member, Doctoral school council (SHOS/social sciences), European
University of Brittany (UEB), France
London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
2014 (Jan)-2015
2014 (Sept)-2015
2014 (Sept)-2015
2014 (Jan)-2015
Graduate School of Management, University of Rennes 1, France
Social psychology of markets (postgraduate), 12 hours/year
Social psychology of markets (postgraduate), 08 hours/year
Sociology of markets (postgraduate), 08 hours/year
Advertising & Public relations (postgraduate), 20 hours/year
Law and marketing (postgraduate), 10 hours/year
Product management (postgraduate), 10 hours/year
Political economy (postgraduate), 09 hours/year
Corporate social responsibility (postgraduate), 06 hours/year
Strategic management (postgraduate), 14 hours/year
Sensory and experiential marketing (postgraduate), 10 hours/year
Marketing plan (postgraduate), 10 hours/year
Labour law (postgraduate), 07 hours/year
Contract law (undergraduate/postgraduate), 07 hours/year
Business and corporate strategy (undergraduate), 14 hours/year
Political economy (undergraduate), 14 hours/year
Ecole Normale Supérieure (Cachan/Rennes), France
Social psychology of markets (postgraduate), 03 hours/year
Sociology of markets (postgraduate), 03 hours/year
Economical, legal and social themes (postgraduate), 15 hours/year
Organisation studies (postgraduate), 06 hours/year
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Basso F., Robert-Demontrond Ph., Hayek-Lanthois M., Anton J.-L., Nazarian B., Roth M. &
Oullier O. (2014), Why people drink shampoo? Food Imitating Products are fooling brains and
endangering people for marketing purposes, PLoS ONE 9(9): e100368.
Bouillé J., Robert-Demontrond Ph. & Basso F. (2014), Measuring the persuasive power of
consumerist activism: an experimental study on the Polity model applied to food imitating
products, Recherche et Applications en Marketing – English edition, 29(1), 72-102.
Petit O., Basso F., Huguet P., Plassmann H. & Oullier, O. (2011), Apport des « neurosciences de
la décision » à l'étude des comportements alimentaires et de l’obésité [Food behaviour and obesity:
Insights from decision neuroscience], Médecine /Sciences, 27(11), 1000-1008.
Basso F. & Oullier O. (2011), SMOKERS ARE SUCKERS: Should incongruous metaphors be used
in public prevention ?”, American Journal of Public Health, 101(2), 203-204.
Basso F. & Oullier O. (2010), “'Smile down the phone': Extending the effects of smiles to vocal
social interactions”, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 33(6), 435-436.
Oullier O. & Basso F. (2010), “Embodied economics: How bodily information shapes the social
coordination dynamics of decision-making”, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society - B Biological
Sciences, 365(1538), 291-301.
Basso F. & Oullier O. (2009), “When organization meets emotions, does the sociorelational
framework fail ?”, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 32(5), 391.
Basso F. & Oullier O. (accepted), Le Corps et les Prix Esquisse d’une théorie sensorielle de la valeur
[Embodied prices: Seeds of a sensory theory of value], Marseille: Presses Universitaires de Provence
(330pp.), expected to be published by the end of 2014.
Book chapters
Robert-Demontrond Ph. & Basso F. (2014), “Merleau-Ponty et la chair du monde” [Merleau-Ponty
and the flesh of the world] (Chapter 6, pp.161-188) in Rémy E. & Robert-Demontrond Ph. (Eds.)
Regards croisés sur la consommation Tome 1. Du fait social à la question du sujet [Crossed views on
consumption – 1. From social fact to the question of the subject], Paris: Editions Management et Société.
Oullier O. & Basso F. (2012), “Variabilité et limites méthodologiques du recours à l’imagerie
cérébrale dans les tribunaux” [Variability and methodological issues related to the use of brain imaging
techniques in court] (Chapter 7, pp.119-136) in Oullier O. (Ed.), Le cerveau et la loi : analyse de
l’émergence du neurodroit [The brain and the law: an analysis of the emerging field of neurolaw], Centre for
Strategic Analysis of French Prime Minister papers.
Basso F., Guillou L. & Oullier O. (2010), “Embodied entrepreneurship: A sensory theory of
value” (Chapter 12, pp.217-232) in Stanton A., Day M. & Welpe I. (Eds.), Neuroeconomics and the
firm, New York: Edward Elgar.
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Basso F., Oullier O., Hayek-Lanthois M. & Robert-Demontrond Ph. (2010), “From marketing
differenciation to household poisoning: are commercial practices on cleansing products a public
heath issue?” (Chapter 8, pp.94-103) in Oullier O. & Sauneron S. (Eds.), Improving health prevention
with behavioural, cognitive and neuroscience, Paris: La documentation française.
Basso F. & Oullier O. (2010), “Le rôle des émotions dans la réalisation du processus de prise de
décision[The role of emotions in decision-making] (Chapter 5, pp.115-132) in Amblard M. (Ed.), La
Rationalité - Mythes et réalités [Rationality - Myths and realities], Paris: L'Harmattan.
Robert-Demontrond Ph., Basso F. & Joyeau A. (conditionally accepted with major revisions),
Recherche et Applications en Marketing [French].
Bouillé J., Basso F., & Robert-Demontrond Ph., (submitted), Recherche et Applications en Marketing
Petit O., Basso F., Merunka D. & Oullier O. (literature review), I control myself because I feel pleasure –
The role of bodily states in consumer self-regulation, in preparation.
Basso F., Bouillé J., Le Goff K., Robert-Demontrond Ph. & Oullier O. (behavioral data collected
and analyzed), Is food a key ingredient in the recipe for successful product design? The case of Food Imitating
Products from the standpoint of implicit cognition, in preparation.
Basso F., Petit O., LeBellu S., et al. (behavioral and fMRI data collected and analyzed). Subcam in
grounded cognition: Taste inferences from first and third person perspectives, in preparation.
Bouillé J., Basso F., Robert-Demontrond Ph. & Oullier O., La métaversification de l’expérience
virtuelle de consommation: une approche méthodologique par les neurosciences sociales [The
metaversification of virtual consumption experience: a social neuroscience methodological perspective], working
paper, 32pp.
Basso F., ‘Metaphors (consumers) researchers live by’ Les apports de la théorie des métaphores
conceptuelles à la consumer culture theory [‘Metaphors (consumers) researchers live by’ Conceptual metaphor
theory and consumer culture theory], working paper, 30pp.
Basso F. (2011), Carsten Herrmann-Pillath (2010), The economics of identity and creativity: A
cultural science approach, Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 26(1), p.106-107.
Bouillé J., Basso F. & Robert-Demontrond Ph. (2013), « Les taphores dans la vie militante » :
L’apport de la théorie des métaphores conceptuelles à l’étude de l’activisme consumériste
[“Metaphors activists live by”: Consumer activism in light of conceptual metaphor theory], 12èmes Journées
Normandes de Recherche sur la Consommation, Caen, France, November 28-29, 27pp.
Basso F., Bouillé J., Le Goff K., Robert-Demontrond Ph. & Oullier O. (2013), De l’impensé
marketing à l’implicite cognitif du design émotionnel : une approche méthodologique des Food
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Imitating Products par le test des associations implicites [A methodological approach of food imitating
products using implicit association test], 29th International Conference of the French Marketing
Association, La Rochelle, France, May 16-17.
Bouillé J., Robert-Demontrond Ph. & Basso F. (2012), Measuring the persuasive power of
consumerist activism: an experimental study on the Polity model applied to food imitating
products, 28th International Conference of the French Marketing Association, Brest, May 9-10-
Basso F. (2010), Metaphors consumers (researchers) live by - Conceptual metaphor theory and
consumer culture theory, 26th International Conference of the French Marketing Association, Le
Mans, France, May 06-07.
Basso F., Robert-Demontrond Ph. & Oullier O. (2009), A metaphorical analysis of the
experiential consumption aspects of cleansing products, 14th Marketing Research Conference in
Burgundy, France, November 12-13.
Bouillé J., Basso F., Robert-Demontrond Ph. & Oullier O. (2009), The metaversification of
virtual consumption experience: a social neuroscience methodological perspective, 14th Marketing
Research Conference in Burgundy, France, November 12-13.
Basso F., Robert-Demontrond Ph., Hayek-Lanthois H., Anton J.-L., Nazarian B., Roth M. &
Oullier O. (2013), An embodied approach of Food Imitating Products using fMRI, 25th Association
for Psychological Science Annual Convention, Washington, D.C., USA, May 23-26.
Basso F., Bouillé J., Le Goff K., Robert-Demontrond Ph. & Oullier O. (2013), A methodological
approach of Food Imitating Products using Implicit Association Test, 25th Association for
Psychological Science Annual Convention, Washington, D.C., USA, May 23-26.
Basso F. (2009), Multisensory integration in consumer's risk perception, Tutorat collectif des
IAE, IAE Paris XII, France, June 17.
Basso F. (2009), Multisensory integration in consumer's risk perception, French-German doctoral
seminar, Universität zu Kiel, Germany, June 12.
Basso F. (2009), Multisensory integration in consumer's risk perception, Conference of the
French Marketing Association, University College of London, UK, May 12-13.
Basso F. & Petit O. (2014), Subcam in grounded cognition: Taste inferences from first and third
person perspectives, Réunion Mensuelle de Neuroimagerie, Institut des Neurosciences de La
Timone, Marseille, France, June 19.
Basso F. (2014), Subcam in a grounded cognition perspective, Department of Social Psychology,
London School of Economics, London, UK, June 03
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