Week 11
Révision et pratique orale/écrite.
Chapitre 5 De génération en génération.
Week 12
Structures (leçon 1) Adjectifs possessifs. Verbe ALLER et Futur Proche.
Révision et pratique orale/écrite.
Week 13
Structures (leçon 2) Verbe FAIRE. Verbes du 3ième groupe:-RE
Week 14
Révision et pratique orale/écrite.
Chapitre 6 A table !
Week 15
Structures (leçon 1). Verbes PRENDRE et BOIRE. Partififs.
Structures (leçon 2). l’Impératif. Conjugaison et révision.
Week 16
Chapitre 7 Les plaisirs de la cuisine.
Structures (leçon 1.) Adjectifs démonstratif et interrogatifs.
Structures (leçon 2). Verbes VOULOIR, POUVOIR, DEVOIR. Verbe FALLOIR.
Week 17
Final exam.
* Irregular verbs (prendre, vendre, aller, vouloir, devoir, pouvoir, falloir) must be memorized before the
end of the semester and will be introduced progressively as early as Week 6.
As your professor, I want you to be successful in this class. We will work together to achieve the levels of
proficiency previously stated. I will create activities where you can experience speaking, reading, listening
and cultural understanding of French.
In the syllabus, the section < Révision et pratique orale/écrite> has been specifically designed to provide
to each of you enough time for interactive practice (oral and written) in French. I will rely on your feedback
through shorts quizzes, tests as well as all other pertinent activities.
Perfect attendance will be rewarded. The teaching approach of the course is to encourage, sustain and
challenge your commitment to learning French in a non - intimidating and interactive context.