Mrs. Lisa Honz
ext. 4526
contact period: 12:51-1:38 p.m.
Course description:
This course will use an active approach to learning French. Skills in listening,
speaking, reading, and writing will be developed. Students will learn pronunciation
and basic vocabulary and structure through a variety of interactive activities
including role-play, paired exercises and personalized questions to encourage active
participation and communication. Students are also introduced to geography,
customs and culture of France and of the French-speaking world.
Recommendation: English “C” or above.
Grades 9-12
1 unit
The following French I lessons address proficiency in all four language skills:
listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Leçon 1: les salutations
Leçon 2: les objets et les personnes
Leçon 3: la date et les numéros
Leçon 4: le temps (weather) et l’heure (time)
Leçon 5: le Tour du Monde
Leçon 6: les prepositions et les adjectifs
Leçon 7: le verbe être (to be)
Leçon 8: les verbes reguliers en ER