Anglais > Grammaire > Verbes > Modals > Will
Will est un auxiliaire modal qui exprime le plus souvent le futur :
Forme complète
Forme contractée
They will come tomorrow.
They will not come tomorrow.
Will they come tomorrow?
They'll come tomorrow.
They won't come tomorrow.
= Ils viendront demain.
= Ils ne viendront pas demain.
= Viendront-ils demain ?
ATTENTION : En anglais, au contraire du français, on n'utilise pas will mais le présent dans une
subordonnée de temps introduite par when, once, while, as soon as, as long as, ...
When I have my driving licence, I will buy a car. = Quand j'aurai mon permis de conduire, je m'achèterai une
Once you see her, you'll love her. = Une fois que tu la verras, tu l'aimeras.
You will have an accident while you are driving. = Vous aurez un accident alors que vous conduirez.
You'll have an accident as soon as you take risks. = Vous aurez un accident dès que vous prendrez des
You won't have an accident as long as you drive carefully. = Vous n'aurez pas d'accident tant que vous
conduirez prudemment.
Ne pas confondre avec une interrogation indirecte introduite par when.
I don't know when he will come. = Je ne sais pas quand il viendra.
When will he come? I don't know. = Quand viendra-t-il ? Je ne sais pas.
par le present be + Ving : We are leaving tonight. Nous partons ce soir.
par le simple present : The train arrives at 8:00. Le train arrive à huit heures.
par la forme 'be to' : The students are to attend class every day. Les étudiants suivront les cours chaque jour.
Mettez chaque verbe entre parenthèses au futur si possible, sinon au présent :
Ex : We (start) start as soon as they (be) ready.
We'll start as soon as they are ready.
1- He (give) _____________ her this message when he (meet) _____________ her.
2- You (have) _____________ a biscuit as soon as we (get) _____________ home .
3- As long as he (be) _____________ here, I (have) _____________ more work to do .
4- They don't know when they (arrive) _____________.
5- They say they (give) ____________ us a ring once they (reach) ____________ Hong Kong .
6- She (study) ____________ music while she (be) ____________ in London.
7- I wonder when the teacher (give) ____________ us our essays back.
8- As soon as she (know) ____________ the time of our arrival, she (call) ____________ us.
9- They (not/be) _____________ happy till [jusqu'à ce que] you (promise) ______________ to go with her.
10- I'm sure he (raise) ______________ his hat when he (see) ______________ her .
11- Until [jusqu'à ce que] I (get) ______________ a letter, I (not / known) ______________ .
12- I ignore when you (receive) ______________ the money.
Traduire les phrases suivantes :
1- Quand j'aurai 18 ans, je partirai.
_________________________, _________________________.
2- Tu auras du temps, une fois que tu seras en vacances.
_________________________, _________________________.
3- Dès qu'il verra la réponse, il m'appellera.
_______________________________, _______________________________.
4- Tu mangeras de la soupe, tant que tu désobéiras.
_______________________________, _______________________________.
as long as you disobey As soon as he sees the answer he will call me You will eat soup
Le futur dans les subordonnées de temps
Traduire les phrases suivantes :
3- Dès qu'il verra la réponse, il m'appellera.
As soon as he sees the answer, he will call me.
4- Tu mangeras de la soupe, tant que tu désobéis.
You will eat soup, as long as you disobey.
I will leave once you are on holiday When I am 18 years old You will have time
Le futur dans les subordonnées de temps
Traduire les phrases suivantes :
1- Quand j'aurai 18 ans, je partirai.
When I am 18 years old, I will leave.
2- Tu auras du temps, une fois que tu seras en vacances.
You will have time, once you are on holiday.
get promise sees will raise will receive won't be won't know
Le futur dans les subordonnées de temps
Mettez chaque verbe entre parenthèses au futur si possible, sinon au présent :
Ex : We (start) start as soon as they (be) ready.
We'll start as soon as they are ready.
9- They (not / be) won't be happy till [<i>jusqu'à ce que</i>] you (promise) promise to go with her .
10- I'm sure he (raise) will raise his hat when he (see) sees her .
11- Until [<i>jusqu'à ce que</i>] I (get) get a letter, I (not / known) won't know .
12- I ignore when you (receive) will receive the money.
is knows reach will call will give will give will study
Le futur dans les subordonnées de temps
Mettez chaque verbe entre parenthèses au futur si possible, sinon au présent :
Ex : We (start) start as soon as they (be) ready.
We'll start as soon as they are ready.
5- They say they (give) will give us a ring once they (reach) reach Hong Kong .
6- She (study) will study music while she (be) is in london.
7- I wonder when the teacher (give) will give us our essays back.
8- As soon as she (know) knows the time of our arrival, she (call) will call us.
get is meets will arrive will give will have will have
Le futur dans les subordonnées de temps
Mettez chaque verbe entre parenthèses au futur si possible, sinon au présent :
Ex : We (start) start as soon as they (be) ready.
We'll start as soon as they are ready.
1- He (give) will give her this message when he (meet) meets her.
2- You (have) will have a biscuit as soon as we (get) get home .
3- As long as he (be) is here, I (have) will have more work to do .
4- They don't know when they (arrive) will arrive.
Anglais > Grammaire > Verbes > Modals > Will - be going to
Will est un auxiliaire modal qui exprime le plus souvent le futur
Forme complète
Forme contractée
They will come tomorrow.
They will not come tomorrow.
Will they come tomorrow?
They'll come tomorrow.
They won't come tomorrow.
= Ils viendront demain.
= Ils ne viendront pas demain.
= Viendront-ils demain ?
Le futur est aussi rendu selon les manières suivantes :
- 'be going to' : I'm going to tell your parents. Je vais le dire à tes parents.
'Be going to' correspond souvent à la forme 'aller faire' en français.
- Shall fonctionne comme will. "We shall succeed". Nous réussirons. "Shall I see you tomorrow?"
"Te verrai-je demain?" "I shan't come tomorrow" Je ne viendrai pas demain.
La différence entre ces 2 modaux réside dans la nuance de volonté qui accompagne "will", et la nuance de
force extérieure imposée qui accompagne "shall". Celui-ci est donc surtout utilisé à la 1ère personne.
1- Put the verbs (in brackets) into the future.
1. Next year, I (be) (1)_____________ in London.
2. You (not-have) (2)_____________ problems, if you do this.
3. (they-do) (3)_____________ what is necessary to succeed?
4. We (see) (4)_____________ you tomorrow.
5. She (not know) (5)_____________ the difference.
6. (he-not-get) (6)_____________ what he wants, with all his efforts?
2- Put the verbs (in brackets) into the future.
1. We (take) (1)________________ our time.
2. (you-come) (2)________________ with us?
3. They (not-give) (3)________________ him what he wants
4. She (find) (4)________________ a solution.
5. I (not-forget) (5)________________ you.
6. (you-not-listen) (6)________________ to me?
3- Translate the following sentences into English:
1. Tu seras riche. = (1)________________ rich.
2. Est-ce que j'aurai le temps ? = (2)________________ the time?
3. Ils ne mangeront pas. = They (3)________________.
4. Est-ce qu'elle saura la solution ? = (4)________________ the solution?
5. Il ne t'attendra pas. = (5)________________ for you.
6. Nous boirons à ta santé. = (6)________________ to your health.
4- Translate the following sentences into English:
1. Ils iront très loin. = (1)_________________ very far.
2. Elle ne lira pas ta lettre. = (2)_________________ your letter.
3. Est-ce que tu verras la différence ? = (3)_________________ the difference?
4. Je ne visiterai pas Londres. = (4)_________________ London.
5. Dormiras-tu à la maison ? = (5)_________________ at home?
6. Il ne travaillera pas ici. = (6)_________________ here.
He will not work I will not visit She will not read They will go Will you see Will you sleep
Translate the following sentences into English:
1. Ils iront très loin. = They will go very far.
2. Elle ne lira pas ta lettre. = She will not read your letter.
3. Est-ce que tu verra la différence ? = Will you see the difference?
4. Je ne visiterai pas Londres. = I will not visit London.
5. Dormiras-tu à la maison ? = Will you sleep at home?
6. Il ne travaillera pas ici. = He will not work here.
He will not wait We will drink Will I have will not eat Will she know You will be
Translate the following sentences into English:
1. Tu seras riche. = You will be rich.
2. Est-ce que j'aurai le temps ? = Will I have the time?
3. Ils ne mangeront pas. = They will not eat.
4. Est-ce qu'elle saura la solution ? = Will she know the solution?
5. Il ne t'attendra pas. = He will not wait for you.
6. Nous boirons à ta santé. = We will drink to your health.
Put the verbs (in brackets) into the future.
1. We (take) will take our time.
2. (you-come) Will you come with us?
3. They (not-give) will not give him what he wants
4. She (find) will find a solution.
5. I (not-forget) will not forget you.
6. (you-not-listen) Won't you listen to me?
will be will not have will not know will see Will they do Won't he get
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