Project Name: Drying and storage of fruits and vegetables by Solar Farm Fakoly in Mali
Number of contract: No. EVENER5504 / 16
ENDA Energy Association invites sealed bids from candidates who meet the qualifications for
the supply and installation of solar cookers in the framework of the "Dry-storage of fruits and
vegetables by solar energy to farm Fakoly "in Mali.
The said project is funded by the Regional Agency for Agriculture and Food (ARAA). The
mandate of the ARAA is to ensure the technical implementation of programs and regional
investment plans contributing to the operationalization of the regional agricultural policy based
on institutions, organizations and regional actors with proven skills.
Interested candidates can visit the call to tender documents to the address mentioned below 54,
Rue Carnot Dakar 09H to 18H. They can also get to the address mentioned before.
Bids must be delivered to the address below ENDA Energy 54, Rue Carnot Dakar - BP 3370 at
the latest October 14, 2016 at 1800 GMT. The Late bids will not be accepted. Tenders will be
opened in the presence of candidates' representatives present at the following address ENDA
Energy 54, Rue Carnot Dakar - BP 3370 October 25, 2016 at 09:00 GMT.
Objects ovens of this tender is to be delivered to the Farm Fakoly located 170 km from Bamako
in Mali, within forty-five days after the final results were announced.
Bids must be valid for a period of 90 days after the deadline for submission of bids.
Interested applicants can obtain additional information by writing to: - Mr. Moussa Na Abou
Original Text :-
Nom du Projet : Séchage-stockage de fruits et légumes par énergie solaire à la Ferme
Fakoly au Mali
Numéro du marché : N°EVENER5504/16
L'Association ENDA Energie sollicite des offres sous pli fermé de la part de candidats répondant
aux qualifications requises pour la fourniture et l'installation de fours solaires dans le cadre du
projet « Séchage-stockage de fruits et légumes par l'énergie solaire à la Ferme Fakoly » au Mali.