Dominique Raby / Curriculum Vitae / 2014 5/13
2009- Research group “Violencia y vulnerabilidad social en contextos nacionales e internacionales”,
Colegio de Michoacán
2006 Research group “Anthropologie et language”, Nicole Belmont, Clarisse Herrenschmidt and
Corinne Fortier, Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Sociale, Paris. Discussion of the members’ research
on the representation of language in oral and written literature.
2006 Research group “Agentivité”, Aurore Monod-Becquelin and Valentina Vapnarsky (Université
de Paris X - Nanterre and National Center for Scientific Research). Research on the concept of
agentivity, at the crossroad of linguistics, psychology and anthropology, and its application for the
study of Native American religion.
2005-2006 Research group “Corps et affects” Françoise Héritier and Margarita Xanthakou,
Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Sociale, Paris. Discussions of the works of Dr. Héritier and the
members of the group, on the representation of body and affects, and gender issues.
2002-2003 Nahuatl language workshop, Louise M. Burkhart, State University of New York, Albany.
1996-2000 Research group “Cartografía indígena”, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México,
Miguel León-Portilla and Mercedes Montes de Oca. Multidisciplinary research group studying the
presence of indigenous elements in Mexican colonial cartography (cf. Raby 2003b et c).
1996-1998 Nahuatl language workshop, Pierre Beaucage, Université de Montréal.
2012 Article, Relaciones, El Colegio de Michoacan; Book chapter, Modulo, Québec; Book chapter,
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
2011 Book chapter, Universidad de Guadalajara
2010 Article, Journal of Latin American & Caribbean Anthropology, University of Essex
2009 Book, University of Oklahoma Press; Book, Press of El Colegio de Michoacán; two articles,
Relaciones, El Colegio de Michoacan
2008 Two articles, Estudios Sociológicos, El Colegio de México
2006 National Science Foundation (United States), “Documenting Endangered Languages”
announcement (NSF 06-577).
Accepted with Catherine Good Eshelman (eds.), Ser nahuas hoy. Miradas antropológicas hacia
representaciones, conceptos y prácticas. El Colegio de Michoacán.
2003a L'épreuve fleurie. Symboliques du genre dans la littérature nahuatl du Mexique préhispanique.
Preface by Miguel León-Portilla. Paris: L'Harmattan (Ph. D dissertation).
Reviews: Recherche amérindienne au Québec, 35 (3);: 114-115, 2005, Paul Roy
Estudios de Cultura Nahuatl 38: 515-521, 2007, Guilhem Olivier
Journal de la Société des Américanistes 95 (2), 2009, Michel Perrin
2003b Montes de Oca, M., D. Raby, A. Sellen and S. Reyes. Cartografía de tradición hispano
indígena: Mapas de Mercedes de Tierra, siglos XVI y XVII. Mexico: Universidad Nacional
Autonoma de México.