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Le réseau national d’épidémiosurveillance des pathologies aviaires devra ainsi
être suffisamment renforcé pour une action rapide et efficace en cas de
foyer de grippe aviaire et une meilleure communication sur le risque devra
être envisagée pour permettre aux gestionnaires du risque et décideurs de
prendre des actions idoines.
Mots clés : Influenza Aviaire Hautement Pathogène, Analyse de risque,
volailles domestiques, Avifaune, Sénégal
Title :
The threat of Avian Influenza in Africa is still present as the epizootic
continues to spread slowly within the west and central Africa.
Senegal is at risk of the epizootic emergence with regards to the importance
of the poultry industry and the Djoudj National Parc that host yearly a large
number of water birds for overwintering.
A qualitative risk assessment was carried out using the OIE methodology to
determine the risk associated with the legal imports of breeding chicks and
hatching eggs, the illegal imports of poultry products and the migration of
water birds during the year 2006.
30 and 60 scenarios were established for Avian Influenza emergence via
respectively the legal imports of breeding chicks and hatching eggs in
For the two legal products, 13,4 percents of the scenarios have a null to
negligible risk of occurrence, 53,3 percents negligible and 33,3 percents low.
On the other end, we had 30 scenarios associated with illegal imports of
poultry products, out of which 40 percents have a negligible risk of
occurrence, 30 percents low, 16,6 percents low to moderate and 13,4
percents moderate.
Due to the importance of uncertainty inherent to water birds in terms of
HPAI emergence, only the risk of virus dissemination was considered and
estimated as high.
Recommendations have been made concerning the risk communication and
management to the decision makers, stakeholders and farmers.
Keywords : Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza, Risk analysis, poultry, Water
Birds, Senegal