Biographie Bernadette Verazzi-Abeggle Page3: English - page5: Italiano
Diplômée en psychologie clinique de lUniversité de Genève, elle a travaillé en tant que
psychologue pour divers organismes internationaux, publics et privés.
Durant près de 25 ans, elle a œuvré dans l’humanitaire au service de lUnicef en Amérique
Latine, Afrique et Europe.
Sa vocation initiale de psychologue fut enrichie d’expériences très diversifiées, notamment
dans la gestion à vaste échelle de programmes pour la promotion de la santé et léducation
des femmes et des enfants démunis, le développement et mise en application de projets en
santé publique, la gestion des ressources humaines, le coaching de groupes et d’entreprises
à vocation médico-sociales.
Durant la dernière décennie, elle a réorienté sa pratique en vouant un soin tout particulier à
lapproche individuelle holistique corps/psyché/esprit s’inspirant des courants les plus
récents en psycho-neuro-immunologie, psychosomatique et méta-médecine.
Spécialisée dans la méthode du Dr. Carl Simonton, elle accompagne des personnes atteintes
dans leur santé (cancers et/ou maladies dégénératives)
Outre cette approche spécifique, sa formation continue l’a conduite à élargir inlassablement
l’horizon thérapeutique en intégrant des outils innovateurs très puissants ayant pour but de
restaurer, favoriser et potentialiser le bien-être psycho-physique et émotionnel. Elle
pratique la psychothérapie humaniste en appliquant diverses techniques aux besoins
particuliers de chaque patient tout en privilégiant une vision holistique de la maladie et du
chemin vers la guérison.
Polyglotte, elle reçoit des patients en français, italien, anglais et espagnol.
Ayant la double nationalité suisse et italienne, elle vit et pratique essentiellement en Italie
Périodiquement, elle séjourne en Suisse où elle peut accompagner des personnes selon
CV détaillé (expériences professionnelles et formations):
Diplôme de licence en Psychologie (1974) et Diplôme de spécialisation en Psychologie
Université de Genève , (1975)
Formation postgrade en psychologie/psychothérapie pour adulte et enfants
Guidance Infantile Genève, Service Médico-Pédagogique et Université de Genève.
(1975- 1980)
Responsable de programme, Représentante de l’Unicef, chef de mission au service des
Nations Unies dans le domaine de la Santé publique, gestion de programme, promotion de
la santé des femmes et des enfants et l 'éducation des filles.(1980- 1993)
Directrice des Ressources Humaines HUG, Genève (1993-1997)
Formation en Direction RH et management hospitalier pour groupes et entreprises à
vocation médico- sociale (1994-1997)
Directrice adjointe du Centre de Recherches Internationales pour l’Unicef, (IRC) Florence,
Italie (1997-2004)
Formation continue en psychologie et psychothérapie : USA, Pérou, Suisse et Italie, (1980-
Psychologue (FSP) et psychothérapeute ,spécialisée Méthode Dr. Simonton, pour patients
atteints dans leur santé: cancers et maladies dégénératives ((2004 - actuel)
Praticienne en Hypnose Ericksonienne (2009-2012)
Formation continue en thérapie holistique et énergétique : (2005-2012)
- L’accompagnement par l'Ecoute Cellulaire Active (ECA) (2005-2010)
- Constellations familiales (2007-2009)
- La méthode Corps - Miroir, Dr. Martin Brofman (2007-2009)
- Le Reiki Usui Ryoho (2005-2008)
- Hands of Healing , Barbara Brennan (2009)
- The Reconnection , Eric Pearl (2009-2010)
- Hypnose régressive : Régressions dans les Vies antérieure et « Life between Life »,
Brian Weiss et Michael Newton (2010- 2012)
- The Journey , Brandon Bays (2011-2013)
Biography of Bernadette Verazzi-Abegglen
With a degree in clinical psychology from the University of Geneva (Switzerland), she has
worked as a psychologist for different public and private international organisms.
For some 25 years, she has worked in the humanitarian world with UNICEF in Latin
America, Africa and Europe. Her initial vocation in psychology was enriched by very
different experiences, particularly in the large-scale management of programmes for the
promotion of health and education of disadvantaged women and children, the development
and realization of public health projects, human resources management, coaching of socio-
medical groups and companies.
During the last ten years, she has redirected her vocation with particular attention to the
individual holistic approach to the body/psyche/mind, inspired by the most recent currents in
psycho-neuro-immunology, psychosomatics and meta-medicine. She is specialized in the Carl
Simonton method, accompanying persons who are affected in their health (cancer and/or
degenerative diseases). Aside this specific approach, her on-going training has led her to
continuously widen her therapeutic horizon by integrating very powerful and innovating tools,
which aim at restoring, enhancing and strengthening psycho-physical and emotional
She practices humanistic psycho-therapy by applying different techniques to the particular
needs of each patient, while focussing on a holistic vision of the illness and of the road to
healing. Speaking many languages, she receives patients in French, Italian, English and
Spanish. With a double Swiss and Italian citizenship, she lives and practices mainly in Italy
She periodically lives in Switzerland where she can accompany patients according to
Detailed CV (professional experiences and training):
Degree in Psychology (1974) and Specialized Diploma in Clinical Psychology, University of
Geneva (1975)
Postgraduate training in psychology/psychotherapy for adults and children
Child guidance
Geneva, medical-educational service and University of Geneva (1975-1980)
Programme Director, UNICEF Representative, head of mission for the United Nations in the
field of public health, programme management, promotion of women and child health and
education of girls (1980-1993)
Human Resources Director, HUG, Geneva (1993-1997)
Training in Human Resources Direction and Hospital management for groups and companies
with a medical-social vocation (1994-1997)
Assistant Director of the International UNICEF Research Centre (IRC) in Florence, Italy
On-going training in psychology and psychotherapy : USA, Peru, Switzerland and Italy
Psychologist (FSP) and psycho-therapist, specialized in the Simonton Method, for patients
affected in their health: cancer and degenerative diseases (2004-today)
Practitioner in Ericksonian Hypnosis (2009-2012)
On-going training in holistic and energetic therapy (2005-2012)
Support through Active Cellular Hearing (2005-2010)
Family Constellations (2007-2009)
Imago Therapy (2009-2011)
The Body Mirror method
Dr. Martin Brofman (2007-2009)
Reiki Method
Usui Ryoho (2005-2008)
Hands-on Healing
Barbara Brennan (2009)
The Reconnection
Eric Pearl (2009-2010)
Regressive hypnosis: regression in former lives
and « Life between Life »,
Brian Weiss et Michael Newton (2010-2012)
The Journey
Brandon Bays
Biografia Bernadette Verazzi-Abegglen
Laureata in psicologia clinica all’Università di Ginevra, ha lavorato come psicologa per
diversi organismi internazionali, sia pubblici che privati.
Per circa 25 anni, ha lavorato nel settore umanitario al sevizio dell’UNICEF in America
Latina, Africa e Europa.
La sua vocazione iniziale di psicologa è stata arricchita da esperienze molto diversificate, e in
particolare nella gestione a grande scala di programmi per la promozione della salute e
l’educazione delle donne e dei bambini svantaggiati, lo sviluppo e l’attuazione di progetti di
salute pubblica, la gestione di risorse umane, lo coaching di gruppi e di aziende a vocazione
Negli ultimi dieci anni, ha orientato la sua prassi con particolare attenzione all’approccio
individuale e olistico del corpo/psiche/mente ispirandosi ai più recenti correnti di psico-neuro-
immunologia, psicosomatica e meta-medicina.
Specializzata nel metodo del Dr. Carl Simonton, accompagna persone colpite nella loro salute
(cancro e/o malattie degenerative).
Oltre a questo approccio specifico, la sua formazione continua l’ha portata ad allargare
instancabilmente i propri orizzonti terapeutici, integrando strumenti innovativi molto potenti
con l’obiettivo di restituire, favorire e potenziare il benessere psico-fisico ed emotivo. Pratica
la psicoterapia umanista, applicando diverse tecniche ai bisogni specifici di ogni paziente,
sempre privilegiando una visione olistica della malattia e del cammino verso la guarigione.
Poliglotta, riceve i suoi pazienti in francese, italiano, inglese e spagnolo. Avendo la doppia
nazionalità svizzera e italiana, vive e esercita principalmente in Italia (Toscana).
Si reca in Svizzera periodicamente, dove può accompagnare delle persone secondo la
Curriculum Vitae dettagliato (esperienze professionali e formazioni) :
Laurea in Psicologia (1974) e Diploma di specializzazione in Psicologia Clinica all’Università
di Ginevra (1975)
Formazione post-laurea in psicologia/psicoterapia per adulti e bambini. Guidance infantile.
Ginevra, Dipartimento Medico-Pedagogico e Università di Ginevra (1975-1980)
Responsabile di programma, Rappresentante UNICEF, capo missione al servizio delle
Nazioni Unite nel campo della salute pubblica, la gestione di programmi, promozione della
salute delle donne e dei bambini e dell’educazione delle bambine (1980-1993)
Direttrice delle Risorse Umane al HUG, Ginevra (1993-1997)
Formazione in Direzione delle risorse umane e gestione ospedaliera per gruppi e azienda a
vocazione medico-sociale (1994-1997)
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