The thesis presents a conceptual analysis of the evolution of the topological space
concept. More specifically, it looks at the transition from topological spaces inherited
from Hausdorff to Grothendieck toposes.
This analysis intends to show that, in comparison to traditional topological
spaces, toposes radically transform the topological conceptualization of space. While
a topological space is a set of points equipped with a structure induced by some of
its subsets called open, a topos is a category satisfying exactness properties.
The most important aspect of this transformation is the reversal of the dialectic
between a space and its points. A topological space is totally determined by its points
who are in turn understood as being indivisible and devoided of any structure. The
identity of the space is thus that induced by its points. Conversely, the points and
the open of a topos are determined by its very structure. This entails a change in
the nature of the points : they are no longer seen as basic nor as indivisible. Indeed,
the points of a topos actually have a structure.
The analysis also shows that the evolution of the topological space concept fol-
lowed a pattern of rupture and continuity. From 1945 to 1957, algebraic topology
and, to a lesser extend, algebraic geometry, went through fundamental changes. The
books Foundations of Algebraic Topology by Eilenberg and Steenrod and Homolo-
gical Algebra by Cartan and Eilenberg as well as sheaf theory deeply modified the
way topological spaces were studied. However, these ruptures were not deep enough
to change the topological conceptualization of space itself. From the point of view
of the evolution of the topological space concept, they therefore must be seen as
The definitive rupture only occurred in the early 1960s when Grothendieck in-
troduced toposes in the context of his reform of algebraic geometry. The key was his
novel use of category theory. While mathematicians before him saw category theory
as a convenient language to organize or express mathematical ideas, Grothendieck
used it as a tool for conceptual clarification. Grothendieck thus put forward a new
approach to mathematics best described as axiomatico-categorical.
Yet, this rupture was dependent of the innovations associated with Foundations
of Algebraic Topology,Homological Algebra and sheaf theory. It is category theory