In their introductory speeches, the organisers of the conference represented by
Johannes Kandel, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and George Khoury, journalist at
Deutsche Welle, Cologne, pointed out that the Berlin Forum was the starting
point for an open discourse among Muslims (and also non-Muslims) with the
aim of fi nding out how “progressive Muslims” can contribute to reforming and
further developing Islam. The conferences already held in this context have
shown that the term “progressive“means a broad range of positions on urgent
issues in inner-Muslim debates. However, some common views have emerged
that all “progressive“ Muslims commit themselves to such as:
• Respecting the personal beliefs of those who see themselves as Muslims;
• Willingness to discuss the development of theology, religious practice and
political orientation of Muslims openly and rationally and without impedi-
• Accepting universal human rights, a secular state with a separation between
state and religion (in any form and detail with regard to the institutions), a
pluralist democracy as an organisational principle and a way of life, a consti-
tutional state for fundamentally securing freedom and the rule of law
Johannes Kandel continued to say that “progressive Muslims“ were not always
well received when they revealed themselves and took part in debates. He reported
that there were impediments, restrictions and even threats and political perse-
cution for all those who commit themselves to critical thoughts concerning their
own religion. Even in the “Western world”, progressive Muslims are attacked by
orthodox conservatives and Islamists, but at the same time by those who try and
interpret “Islam” as such to be essentially a “religion of volence“.
As a political foundation committed to the fundamental values of social demo-
cracy, the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung sees its task in promoting peaceful co-existence
of people of different ethnic origins, religions and cultures under the common
roof of a liberal democracy. Religions and cultures do not aim to clash or make
enemies of each other, but always include elements of communication, balance
and peaceful competition. Peace-ful co-existence in religious and cultural plura-
lism can work as shown by numerous examples in the Islamic world, the USA
and Europe“.