Convention No. 122
La convention no122 figure parmi les instruments les plus significatifs au
regard de la gouvernance. Elle est également un outil de base pour aider les
États Membres à mettre en œuvre une politique active de l’emploi qui leur
permettra de surmonter la crise économique mondiale.
The realization of the right to work as a basic human right can be attained
through the promotion of full, productive and freely chosen employment as
the cornerstone of economic and social policies.
Innovative education and training policies should be designed, adopted and
targeted at all jobseekers with the aim of better preparing them for those
employment opportunities that will arise when the global economy recovers.
Consultation with the social partners both at the earliest stages of policy
formulation and during the implementation process is essential and will
enable governments to fully take into account their experience and views.
Le droit au travail se réalise par la
promotion du plein emploi productif et
librement choisi, qui est la pierre angulaire
des politiques économiques et sociales.
Convention no122