©2010 International Monetary Fund
Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Pani, Marco.
Expenditure composition and economic development in Benin. French
Répartition des dépenses et développement économique au Benin/Marco Pani and
Mohamed El Harrak—Washington, D.C.: International Monetary Fund, 2010.
p. ; cm.
Translation of: Expenditure composition and economic development in Benin.
Includes bibliographical references.
1. Benin—Appropriation and expenditures. 2. Wages—Benin. 3. Civil service—Salaries,
etc.—Benin. 4. Public investments—Benin. I. El Harrak, Mohamed. II. International Monetary Fund.
III. Title.
HJ7936.3.P3614 2010
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