#TTGTSummit | www.techtarget.com/ForMarketers
© TechTarget Worldwide ROI Summit
Byrony Seifert
Directrice Produit et Opérations Management, EMEA et Edition,
France et Allemagne
Creating an
effective content
strategy model
Why are we still presenting about content?
© TechTarget 2
First engagement
Identifies your brand
Your company’s voice
without human interaction
Still not connecting
marketing objectives with
the content being using for
messaging, demand
generation and nurturing
The Triangle of Content Marketing
© TechTarget 3
Delivering action items for you to get started
© TechTarget 4
Elizabeth Smyth,
Marketing Director,
Marketo EMEA Ltd
Cyril Grira, Industry
Head B2B, Google
Getting Started Steps to moving forward
© TechTarget 5
Create a content
inventory a black
and white document
listing what you
have available
What does content
mean to you?
It’s not all about
white papers! Product Descriptions
Demos Comparisons
Streaming Media
Thought Leadership Customer
White papers
Analyst Technology Trends
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