OPHRYS 2015 Anglais facile S. Delamare
1 Mettre la bonne forme de l’auxiliaire être.
Are is is are are aren’t - is
2 Traduire les phrases de l’exercice précédent.
A Mes parents jouent au tennis.
B Jane fait un gâteau.
C Le chat dort sur le sofa.
D - Es-tu prêt ?
E Est-ce qu’ils viennent demain ? / Viennent-ils demain ?
F Non.
G Elle court très vite.
3 Remettre les mots dans le bon ordre, introduire la bonne forme du verbe être et mettre la
A They are going to the cinema tonight.
B She isn’t living in Brighton.
C What time is my brother getting home today?
D Are you sleeping ?
E She isn’t working now.
F My mother is buying a new dress.
G Your grandparents are writing a letter to your brother.
4 Traduire les phrases de l’exercice précédent.
A Ils vont au cinéma ce soir.
B Elle ne vit pas à Brighton.
C A quelle heure mon frère rentre-t-il aujourd’hui?
D Est-ce que tu dors ? / Dors-tu ?
E Elle ne travaille pas maintenant.
F Ma mère achète une nouvelle robe.
G Tes grands-parents écrivent une lettre à ton frère.
5 Réécrire les phrases suivantes en introduisant l’adverbe de fréquence indiqué entre
A She often gets home early.
B They never listen to music.
C From time to time, he plays video games.
D My parents rarely go to the cinema.
E David usually takes the bus at 7.
F She always eats chocolate.
G Every day my father goes to work by car.
6 Mettre les phrases précédentes à la forme négative.
A She doesn’t get home early.
B They never listen to music.
OPHRYS 2015 Anglais facile S. Delamare
C He doesn’t play video games.
D My parents don’t go to the cinema.
E David doesn’t take the bus at 7.
F She doesn’t eat chocolate.
G My father doesn’t go to work by car.
7 Mettre les phrases précédentes à la forme interrogative.
A Does she get home early?
B Do they listen to music?
C Does he play video games?
D Do my parents go to the cinema?
E Does David take the bus at 7?
F Does she eat chocolate?
G Does my father go to work by car?
8 Mettre la bonne forme du verbe avoir.
Have got has got have got has got Have … got – haven’t – Has … got.
9 Traduire les phrases suivantes.
A Is she French?
B Where is he going?
C When are they living?
D Are you coming with me?
E What are you doing?
F Why are you crying?
G Do you want this apple?
10 Mettre la bonne forme du verbe être au prétérit.
Were was was Were Was wasn’t – were not (ou weren’t)
1 Traduire les phrases suivantes.
A She isn’t going to the cinema with them.
B He’s swimming in the pool with her.
C They are leaving without us.
D My mother and I are going shopping.
E Do you see him?
F I can’t take it.
G She’s going to explain us.
2 Utilise les mots suivants pour construire des phrases en introduisant un comparatif et en
respectant l’indication donnée.
A Jane is more intelligent than Helen.
B He is as tall as him.
C This house is bigger than the other.
D The red dress is more expensive than the blue one.
E Dancing is as difficult as (playing) tennis.
F This sofa is more comfortable than the other.
G This exercice is worse than the other.
OPHRYS 2015 Anglais facile S. Delamare
3 Traduire les phrases suivantes.
A Tim is the most intelligent boy in the class.
B This actress is the most famous in the world.
C It’s the worst day of my life.
D It’s the highest mountain in the world.
E Jane is the most beautiful girl in the class.
F It’s the fastest plane in the world.
G It’s the most expensive dress in the shop.
4 Conjuguer les verbes au bon temps : présent simple ou présent continu.
Gets plays wakes up go spends watches are playing
5 Traduire les phrases suivantes.
A Where does he work?
B Are you taking this bag?
C Do you wake up early on Mondays?
D Are you getting up (waking up) early tomorrow?
E I never watch television.
F My father often works on Saturdays.
G He isn’t working, you can call him.
6 Compléter les phrases par l’auxiliaire approprié.
Doesn’t – is (ou isn’t) – Do doesn’t are Are - Do
7 Compléter les phrases par le mot interrogatif approprié.
Why How long Which What When How - Where
8 Mettre la bonne forme de l’auxiliaire être au prétérit.
Was was were Were Were weren’t – was (ou wasn’t)
9 Traduire les phrases suivantes.
A Where were you yesterday evening?
B Did you buy the wedding dress?
C She arrived (came) late last Monday.
D What time did you get up (wake up) yesterday?
E We didn’t watch television last Saturday.
F I wasn’t hungry.
G Why did they leave so early?
10 Compléter les phrases par l’auxiliaire approprié au prétérit.
Did Was Did didn’t – were Were wasn’t
1 Traduire les phrases suivantes.
A Helen is more talkative than Jenny.
B She’s the most intelligent girl in the class.
C This book is as interesting as the previous one.
D This (He) is the tallest boy in the school.
E It’s the least comfortable car in the world.
OPHRYS 2015 Anglais facile S. Delamare
F This dress is cheaper than the other.
G This singer is worse than my father!
2 Traduire les expressions suivantes.
A To be good at skiing.
B To be interested in playing music.
C To be passionate about drawing.
D I’m fed up with my parents.
E He worries about his brother.
F To be accused of hiding a school bag.
G - She can’t stand her neighbour anymore.
3 Oups ! Les phrases suivantes contiennent de nombreuses erreurs ! Sauf une, qui est
bonne ! Réécrire les phrases corrigées.
A Did she didn’t visited the Eiffel tower when she was in Paris last week?
B Were Did you be ready yesterday evening?
C Where did John moved?
D Were Did you called the doctor?
E I wasn’t played didn’t play chess with him.
F Were they tired after their match last Saturday? Cette phrase est correcte.
G They spend spent their holidays in Italy last year?
4 Traduire les phrases suivantes.
A Sarah isn’t here! She left yesterday evening.
B She carried her suitcase to the hotel.
C He died three years ago.
D The accident happened at the crossroads.
E Did you notice something strange?
F Last night I didn’t sleep, the neighbours made too much noise.
G Why did you climb onto to the roof?
5 Conjuguer le verbe proposé au bon temps : prétérit ou present perfect.
A They have never gone to Japan.
B We visited the Houses of Parliament last year.
C Has he moved yet?
D She hasn’t already left.
E They have played cards all day long.
F We didn’t eat lots of chocolate last Easter.
G Where have you put my bag?
6 Utilise les expressions suivantes pour réécrire les phrases en introduisant une subordonnée
complétive introduite par « that » :
Sean says She thinks I feel My mother understands He hopes - She says They think.
A Sean says that he has lost his keys.
B They think that they’ll manage it.
C She thinks that I’m really too tired.
D She says that they won’t come.
E He hopes that you will win it.
F My mother understands that she’s really too busy to come today.
G I feel that she will be late.
OPHRYS 2015 Anglais facile S. Delamare
7 Indiquer si les phrases suivantes sont des subordonnées relatives déterminatives ou des
subordonnées relatives explicatives. Les réécrire en utilisant la conjonction « that » quand c’est
A Déterminative : « that » possible.
B Explicative : « that » impossible.
C Déterminative : « that » possible.
D Explicative : « that » impossible.
E Déterminative : « that » possible.
F Explicative : « that » impossible.
G Déterminative : « that » possible.
8 Transformer les questions directes suivantes en questions indirectes en utilisant le plus
d’expressions introductrices différentes.
A I’m really surprised how you can be so rude with your sister.
B I’m wondering who drove you back.
C I don’t know why she is so shy.
D I’d like to know what you are looking for.
E I want to know where you’ve been.
F I’m wondering when she is coming back.
G I’d like to know how long the trip lasts.
9 Indiquer si les mots suivants sont dénombrables ou indénombrables.
A Indénombrable.
B Indénombrable.
C Indénombrable.
D Dénombrable.
E Indénombrable.
F Indénombrables.
G Dénombrables.
10 Traduire les phrases suivantes.
A Yesterday, I was walking when the rain began to fall.
B They’ve been married since last June.
C They got married six months ago.
D I haven’t finished my homework yet.
E I’ve been working on this file for more than two hours.
F Last year, Jane visited California.
G I’ll watch television while you work.
1 Indiquer le pluriel des mots suivants.
A Photos.
B Beliefs.
C Wives.
D Roofs.
E Toys.
F Feet.
G Knives.
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