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Kimberley Tran, M.A.
Nigel SB Rawson, Ph.D.
Brett J Skinner, Ph.D.
Publication Date
February 7, 2017.
Tran K, Rawson NSB, Skinner BJ
(2017). HTA decisions and
access to mental health
treatments in Canada’s public
drug plans. Canadian Health
Policy, February 7, 2017.
Toronto: Canadian Health Policy
Institute. URL:
©Canadian Health Policy
Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Unauthorized reproduction or
distribution of this article in
whole or in part is strictly
Contains consecutive English
and French language versions.
To examine how health technology assessment (HTA) decisions affect access to
new drug treatments for mental health in Canada’s public drug plans, and to
briefly discuss this in the context of the societal economic burden of mental
illness and quality of life impacts on people living with mental illness and their
Data and Method
The study used publicly available and proprietary sources of secondary data,
and a selective literature review. The drugs studied included all New Drug
Submissions (NDSs) that received a Notice of Compliance (NOC) from Health
Canada and were reviewed by the Common Drug Review (CDR) between 2004
and 2015. Data were obtained from Health Canada, the Canadian Agency for
Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH), QuintilesIMS and Statistics Canada.
A higher percentage of non-mental health drugs compared to mental health
drugs were recommended positively (with or without conditions) for public
drug plan coverage by the CDR. The CDR took less time to provide
recommendations for non-mental health drugs compared to mental health
drugs. Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are the only two mental health
indications that received any positive (with or without conditions)
recommendations from the CDR over this period. In contrast, 100% of the
drugs for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (5), dementia/Alzheimer’s
disease (2), major depressive disorder (4) received negative CDR
recommendations for listing. Public drug plans eventually covered many of the
drugs rejected by the CDR, but only after lengthy waits. It was estimated that in
2015, spending by the public drug plans of 9 provinces (excl. Quebec) and the
federal NIHB on the direct costs of new mental health drugs represented less
than 1% (0.9%) of the more than $54.6 billion in annual societal costs
associated with the economic burden of mental illness in Canada.
Canada’s HTA decisions on mental health drugs have been inconsistent with
eventual listings in public drug plans and use in clinical practice. A wide choice
of therapy is important to be able to find the best option for each patient in
treating mental illnesses. All the drugs included in this study were approved by
Health Canada as safe and effective treatments. Yet, the CDR recommended
only a fraction of these drugs for reimbursement in public drug plans and took
a long time to issue its recommendations. Waits to access caused by HTA and
public drug plans can be costly. The economic costs of mental illness far
outweigh investment in access to treatments in public drug plans.