Dear Customer,
Thank you for choosing Team Orion’s Clubman
LiPo charger. This charger features the latest
developments in battery charging technology.
This charger is designed to charge and di-
scharge NiMH, NiCd, LiPo and A123® batteries
in the most efcient way possible. Its design
is based on Team Orion’s world championship
winning battery technology. We have included
a special storage charge function to partially
recharge your NiMH, LiPo and A123® batteries
prior to storage. Doing so will greatly increase
their lifespan. The charger also features 10 user
memory proles so that different settings for
different battery packs can be stored. We have
pre-programmed several of the memories to
suit the most popular battery types.
For LiPo and A123® batteries, the charger is
also equipped with special SLPB car LiPO
balancing connectors and a regular balancing
Please read the instructions carefully to ensure
that you receive maximum performance and
Team Orion Advantage Clubman LiPo Edition