Tatiana Henriquez
Assistant Professor, Groupe ESC de Troyes
2008 - 2013 Doctor in Business Administration, IAE de Dijon (University of Burgundy) - France.
Dissertation Topic: « Analysis of the process of adopting a new form of marketing: the
contribution of organizational socialization »
Dissertation Chair: Professor Marc Filser
Committee Members Professor Véronique des Garets (University of Tours), Professor Gilles
Paché (Aix – Marseille University), Professor Jean-Luc Herrmann (University of Lorraine),
Mrs Emmanuelle Guichard (AUCHAN), Mr. Jean Frisou (INSEEC)
Dissertation award of the Faculty of Economics and Management (University of Burgundy France)
Laude with honors unanimously
2004 - 2006 Research Master in Applied Organization, IAE de Paris – HEC Paris.
2002 - 2003 Master in Marketing and Sales, IAE de Paris
1995 – 1999 Double Bachelor in International Management:
Bachelor in Business Administration « Empresariales Internacionales », Universidad
Pontificia de Comillas ICADE–Madrid, Espagne
Bachelor in Business Administration « Etudes Supérieures Européennes de Management »,
ESC Reims – CESEM, France
1994 - 1995 Preparatory class to HEC (major in Economics), College Hector Berlioz, Vincennes – France
Rouquet A., Goudarzi K., Henriquez T. (2016), The company-customer transfer of logistics
activities, International Journal of Operations and Production Management
Rouquet A., Goudarzi K., Henriquez T. (2010), Le transfert d’activités logistiques
entreprise-consommateur : une comparaison des cas Auchan Drive et IKEA, Logistique et
Management, volume 18, n°2, 49-61
Goudey A., Henriquez T. (2009), Analyse des pratiques promotionnelles entre industriels et
distributeurs : 2009, année charnière ?, Gestion 2000, n°4/10, July - August, 143-158
Díaz Pichardo R. , Sánchez Medina P. , Henriquez T. (2015),
Innovación y Competitividad en
el Sector Artesanal Submitted to Recherches en sciences de gestion (submit, 1
Henriquez, T. (2016). When Employees’ Retailers Create Value Against Competition from
E-Commerce. In Marketing Challenges in a Turbulent Business Environment (pp. 433-437).
Springer International Publishing.
Henriquez, T. (2015), Lexpérience de l’interaction minimale : la formule du drive, in C.
Roederer & M. Filser (coord.), Le marketing expérientiel. Vers un marketing de la cocréation,
Magnard-Vuibert, Paris, p.151-152.
Rouquet T. , Goudarzi K., Henriquez T. (2016), Le transfert d’activités logistiques entre
entreprises et clients in session spéciale « Regards croisés sur l’intégration du consommateur
dans la chaîne logistique », 32ème Congrès International de l’AFM, 18-20 Mai, 2016, Lyon.
Diaz Pichardo R., Henriquez T. (2015), Innovación y competitividad en el sector artesanal, XIII
Congreso Internacional de Análisis Organizacional, November 10th and 13th 2015, Mexico
District – Mexico.
Henriquez T. (2015), De la promesse faite au client au travail du collaborateur : quand le
contrôle par les technologies invite à réinventer de nouveaux espaces de liberté in session
spéciale « Objets et commerces connectés : d’une situation d’auto-contrôle à la dégradation du
sentiment d’efficacité personnelle et à la recherche de nouveaux espaces de liberté », 31ème
Congrès International de l’AFM, 20-22 Mai, 2015, Marrakech - Maroc.
Henriquez T. (2015), Contribution de la Socialisation Organisationnelle à l’adoption d’une
innovation commerciale. Cas d’une innovation de format et d’une innovation relationnelle, 1ère
Journée de Recherche en Marketing du Grand Est, March 27th 2015, Dijon - France.
Henriquez T. (2014), Qu'est-ce qui favorise l’apprentissage et l’adoption d'une innovation
commerciale? Une approche par la Socialisation Organisationnelle du Client, 17th Etienne THIL
International Conference, October 15th - 16th - 17th 2014, Paris IX – Dauphine - France.
Henriquez T. (2014), When employees’ retailers create value against competition from
e-commerce, 17th World Marketing Congress, August 5th – 8th 2014, Lima - Peru.
Henriquez T. (2011), What makes the consumer learn and adopt a format innovation for
grocery ? An approach by the cognitive script and the organizational socialization of the
customer, 15th World Marketing Congress, July 20th – 23th 2011, Reims- France.
Rouquet A., Goudarzi K., Henriquez T. (2011), The transfert of logistics services between a
company and its consumers, 23rd NOFOMA Conference, June 9th - 10th 2011, Harstad
University College – Norway.
Henriquez T. (2010), Du processus de transmission de la stratégie : l’apport de la socialisation
organisationnelle de l’employé au contact avec les clients au sein d’un click & Carry en cours de
stabilisation, 21th AGRH Conference, November17th - 19th 2010, Saint – Malo - France.
Rouquet A., Goudarzi K., Henriquez T. (2010), Le transfert d’activités logistiques
entreprise-consommateur : quelle gestion du processus ?, 8th Rencontres Internationales de la
Recherche en Logistique, September 29th - 30th and October 1st 2010, BEM-Bordeaux
Management School - France.
Goudey A., Henriquez T. (2010), Image-prix et analyse des pratiques promotionnelles entre
industriels et distributeurs : 2009, année charnière ?, 26th AFM International Conference, 6th -
7th May, 2010, Le Mans - France.
Henriquez T. (2009), De l’identification du classement des facteurs d’apprentissage et d’adoption
d’une innovation de format en grande distribution alimentaire, 14th Journées de Recherche en
Marketing de Bourgogne, November 12th -13th 2009, Dijon - France.
Henriquez T. (2009), Rôle du script cognitif et de la Socialisation Organisationnelle du Client:
entre freins et apprentissage d’un nouveau format de courses alimentaires en ligne, 12th Etienne
THIL Conference, October 8th - 9th 2009, La Rochelle - France.
Henriquez T. (2009), Pourquoi les consommateurs insatisfaits ne changent pas toujours
d’enseigne ? Le rôle modérateur de la socialisation organisationnelle du client entre satisfaction
et fidélité à une enseigne de distribution alimentaire, 25th AFM International Conference,
May14th - 15th, 2009, London - England.
Organization of theAtelier de Thésée”, October 2014, Troyes – France
Reviewer, Annual Conference EURAM, 2015 and 2013
Reviewer, Annual Conference AMS, 2012
Reviewer, Annual Conference AIMS, 2009
2010 Louisiana Tech University, (USA) received by Dr. Barry Babin
Chair, Department of
Marketing and Analysis
and Associate Editor of Marketing for The Journal of Business Research
CEFAG - seminar 2: "... à sa mise en œuvre", coordinated by the Professor Cédric LESAGE
(Groupe HEC), from September 5th to10th 2010, Villa Finally in Florence – Italy.
CEFAG - seminar 1: "Du design de la recherche...", coordinated by the Professor Pierre
VOLLE, (University Paris Dauphine), from June 20th to 26th 2010, Noyon - France.
Henriquez T., Le rôle de la Socialisation Organisationnelle du Client (SOC) dans la fidélité client
aux enseignes de la grande distribution, 9th AFM Doctoral Student Consortium, May 12th - 13th
2009, Londres.
Henriquez T. (2015), What does favor the adoption of a commercial innovation by the consumer?,
Schiever Convention, 15th October 2015, Troyes - France.
Henriquez T., Jara M. (2010), Synthèse des recherches en marketing. Apports pour les praticiens de
la distribution, PICOM, 21 Avril 2010, Lille.
Goudey A., Henriquez T. (2009), Observatory of sales promotions, IFLS, May 12th 2009, Paris.
Consumer Behavior (M1 in English)
Distribution and Merchandising (M2 in English and Spanish)
Market Studies (L2 in French)
Applied Market Studies (M2 in English and French)
Business simulation (M2 in English and French)
Marketing Innovation (MBA in English)
2015, 2016 ERASMUS Scholarship within the mobility program for teachers, « ERASMUS WEEK » in the
University of Valencia (Spain)
09/2010 G
Troyes - France.
Assistant Professor in Marketing
05/08 – 09/11 CONSULTING ACTIVITY for AUCHAN France
Identification of factors favoring the adoption of click&collect; qualitative study prior to
deployment of click&collect in France; measuring satisfaction and loyalty of customers,
measurement of integration of employees
09/06-08/10 NEOMA
Reims - France.
Marketing Research Assistant
02/05-06/10 E
(2 years higher education in marketing and in sales),
07/04-02/05 S
Société Française d’Exportation de Ressources Educatives, Vincennes - France.
Responsible for the South American Projects - Project Engineering Direction
Organization, coordination and supervision of the projects conducted. Monitoring quality and the
evolution of project costs. Management of 10 simultaneous projects on Chili area
04/01-10/01 C
Paris. Corporate Auditor
Assessment of subsidiaries and branches in France and abroad
10/99-04/01 P
, Marseille - France. Financial Auditor
Carry - out of 44 assignments within industries, services and investment funds. Report writing
certifications and procedure audits
Dissertation award of the Faculty of Economics and Management (University of Burgundy – France)
(Centre Européen de Formation Approfondie à la Gestion), a European Center for
Advanced Training in Management -
FNEGE (Promotion 2010)
Member Association Française de Marketing
Member Association of Marketing Science
French: native language
English: fluent, TOEIC 925/990 points, practiced within a professional environment
Spanish: bilingual, practiced within a professional environment
Nvivo, SPSS & AMOS, Microsoft Office Package
Reference available upon request
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