(2013). L'innovation participative à orientation entrepreneuriale, un atout concurrentiel à
cultiver. Entreprendre et innover (18), 23-30.
TEGLBORG, A. (2016). “How philosophical roots of freedom create novel ways of
managing in French organisations?”, Organization Studies Summer workshop (OSSW),
Mykonos, Greece.
TEGLBORG, A. & HOYRUP, S. (2014). “Lean organization, worksplace learning and
innovation: How do employees learn and innovate in Lean?”, European Conference on
Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ECIE), Belfast, Ireland.
TEGLBORG, A., LAVIOLETTE, E., & REDIEN-COLLOT, R. (2014). “Open Innovation
from the inside: Employee Driven Innovation in support of Absoptive Capacity”, Conference
of the European Academy of Management (EURAM), Valence, Spain.
TEGLBORG, A. (2014). “The Management dispositif in the blind spot of resistance to
change”, Organization Studies Summer Workshop on resistance, resisting and resisters in
and around organizations, Corfu, Greece.
VERZAT, C., TEGLBORG, A., & JORE, M. (2013). « Construire et faire durer un
partenariat école-entreprise: un apprentissage en triple hélice ? », Colloque Questions de
pédagogies dans l'Enseignement Supérieur (QPES), Sherbrooke, Canada.
LAVIOLETTE, E., REDIEN COLLOT, R., & TEGLBORG, A. (2013). “Employee driven
innovation: Bridging open and close innovation management practices”, European
Conference on Innovation & Entrepreneurship (ECIE), Bruxelles, Belgium.
TEGLBORG, A. (2013). “Are management apparatuses the faithful servants of managerial
innovations? A process perspective to inscribe management apparatuses within a learning
loop”, International Symposium on Process Organization Studies (ISPS), Crete, Greece.
TEGLBORG, A. GILBERT, P., & RAULET-CROSET, N. (2013). “FAVI : an innovative
work system and employee driven innovation approach for a client-oriented industrial
firm”, Innovative Practices in Work, Organisation & Regional Development Conference,
Linköping, Sweden.
LAVIOLETTE, E., TEGLBORG, A., & O'SHEA, N. (2013, June). “Born or rebuilt: learning
trajectories of academic researchers”, International Helix Conference, Linköping, Sweden.
TEGLBORG, A., REDIEN COLLOT, R. , VIALA,C.(2011). « Facteurs clefs de succès des
innovations participatives : les cas de Solvay-Tavaux et de Favi », The Administrative
Sciences Association of Canada Conference (ASAC), Montreal, Canada.