Teas, R. Kenneth, and DeCarlo, Tomas E. "An Examination and Extension of the Zone-
of-Tolerance Model. A Comparison to Performance-Based Models of
Perceived Quality", Journal of Service Research, Vol. 6 (3), 2004, 272-286.
Keiningham, Timothy L.; Perkins-Munn, Tiffany; and Evans, Heather. "The Impact of
Customer Satisfaction on Share-of-Wallet in a Business-to-Business
Environment", Journal of Service Research, Vol. 6 (1), 2003, 37-50.
Rust, Roland T.; Moorman, Christine; and Dickson, Peter R. "Getting Return on Quality:
Revenue Expansion, Cost Reduction, or Both?", Journal of Marketing, Vol. 66 (October),
2002, 7-24.
Berry, Leonard L.; Seiders, Kathleen; and Grewal, Dhruv. "Understanding Service
Convenience", Journal of Marketing, Vol. 66 (July), 2002, 1-17.
Rust, Roland T.; Zahorik, Anthony; and Keiningham, Timothy L. "Return on Quality
(ROQ): Making Service Quality Financially Accountable", Journal of Marketing, Vol. 59
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Séance 4 : Atmospherics (1er février)
Chebat, Jean-Charles ; Dubé, Laurette ; Marquis, Marie. « Individual Differences in
Circadian Variations of Consumers' Emotional State », Perceptual and Motor Skills, Vol.
84, 1997, 1075-1086.
Dubé, Laurette ; Maute, Manfred. « The Antecedents of Brand Switching, Brand Loyalty
and Verbal Responses to Service Failure », Advances in Services Marketing and
Management, Vol. 5, 1996, 127-151.
Hui, Michael K. ; Bateson, John E.G. « Perceived Control and the Effects of Crowding
and Consumer Choice on the Service Experience », Journal of Consumer Research, Vol.
18, septembre 1991, 174-185.