L’Afrique et la colonisation
Provide description, state reasons, give/obtain
Colonial legacy of Africa and the effects seen today
on the continent
Teacher Instructions
Step 1. Prepare student copies of the reading: “La France coloniale.” Prepare
student copies of Handout 1, a reading check for “La France coloniale.”
Step 2. Prepare copies of Handouts 2 and 3 for student homework.
Step 3. Prepare copies of an outline map of Africa including country outlines.
(See Activity 1.)
Step 4. Write the vocabulary word la colonisation on an overhead or on the
board. Ask students to work in pairs to define the word. Call on each pair to add
ideas until the class has a working definition of the word. Compare the students’
definitions to the following:
Le Petit Robert: Doctrine qui vise à légitimer l'occupation d'un territoire ou
d'un État, sa domination politique et son exploitation économique par un
État étranger.
Le Petit Larousse: Système politique préconisant la mise en valeur et
l'exploitation du territoire dans l'intérêt du pays colonisateur.
Step 5. Refer to the Know - Want to Know - Learned (KWL) charts from previous
activities and brainstorm with students what they already know and what they
might learn about colonization in Africa. Add to the KWL charts as appropriate.
Step 6. Distribute copies of “La France coloniale.” Choose the best way for your
class to read the article—in groups, in pairs, as a whole class, individually,
pausing or reading straight through.
Step 7. Distribute Handout 1 and have students check their reading
comprehension. Conversely, Handout 1 can be given as a reading quiz if the
reading is given as homework.
Step 8. Handouts 2 and 3 are to be used with a blank political map of Africa.
Students should make their map in class or as homework.