Faculty: Faculty of International Business and Economics
Name / Surname: Mihai Cacliu
Date and place of birth: 6 September 1954, Arad, România
Teaching title: Associate professor
Address: 104 Av. du Peuple Belge,59043 Lille, France
Telephone (office / home):0033320123409
Citizenship: Romanian
Marital status: married
and training
Institution / Faculty
University Lille 1
IAE Business School
Habilitation to
supervise PhD
University Lille 1
IAE Business School
Master for
Research in
The Academy of Economic
Department of Interntional
Business and Economics
Central Institute for
Management and Computer
Programmer for Technical
and Scientific Applications
Master in
Academy of Economic
Studies Bucharest
International Business and
Specializations and certificates (enumeration)
List each relevant professional experience, beginning with the latest one
Associate professor, IAE Business School, University Lille 1
Lecturer, Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, International Business
and Economics Department
Senior Analyst-Programmer, Computing Center, Academy of Economic
Studies Bucharest
Economist, Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, International Business
and Economics Department
Economist, Sugar Industry Trust Bucharest, Accountancy Department
Export Manager, Prodexport, Romania’s food export company
Export Manager, Coton Industry, textile factory
Scientific and
Habilitation (HDR) thesis (title): Marketing Decision Support Models and Systems for Managers
Ph.D. thesis (title): Romania’s diary foreign trade, models to increase its efficiency
Books, manuals, tutorials (number): 12
Articles, studies (number): 33
National and international congress and symposia (number): 91
Scientific research projects (number): 3
Supervised Ph.D. thesis (number): 5 (in progress) 1 (defended)
Patents, inventions (number):
Member of the
Romanian Direct Marketing Association (Honored member since foundation)
Pan European Education and Assessment (PEEAC) of the Federation of European
Direct and Interactive Marketing Associations (FEDMA) . (member since 2001)
Foreign languages/
Level of knowledge
English, French, German Excellent
Spanish, Italian Very good
Japanese Basic
Communication, coordination of scientific activities
Other abilities and
The list of the scientific articles and publications
I hereby declare on my own liability that data herein are true and accurate
Teaching Title Surname/Name
Associate professor Mihai Calciu
Faculty: Faculty of International Business and Economics
■Somnea D., Calciu M. (2005) "JSP, ASP, XML, XSLT, XHTML/HTML/CSS Made Easy!", Editions ASE,
Bucarest,, 214p, ISBN 973-594-654-8
■Somnea D et Calciu M. (2004) "Nouvelles tendances dans les technologies de l'information et de la
communication.", Editions Lucman, Bucarest, 399p, ISBN 973-8465-78-8
■Somnea D. et Calciu M. (2003) "Guide du manager pour les NTIC", Editions ASE, Bucarest, 305p, ISBN 973-
■Richevaux M, M. Calciu et E. Vernier (2001) "Tranvail et Nouvelle Economie", Harmattan, Paris, 141p., ISBN
■Calciu M., Somnea D. (2000) "Bureatique et Internet", Ed. Lucman, Bucarest. , 332 p., ISBN 973-9439-63-2
■Somnea D., Calciu M. (1999) "Webopedia. Internet et Commerce Electronique", Editions. ASE, Bucarest, 173p
■Somnea D., Calciu M. (1998) "La Bureautique", Ed. Tehnica, Bucarest, 276p, ISBN 973-31-1258-5, Résumé,
■Somnea D., Calciu M. (1998) "Initiation à JavaScript et aux technologies Netscape", Ed. Tehnica, Bucarest, 340p,
ISBN 973-31-1229-1, Résumé, Abstract
■Somnea D., Calciu M. (1998) "La recherche marketing assistée par l'ordinateur", Ed. Tehnica, Bucarest, 164p,
ISBN 973-31-1128-3
■Spircu L., Calciu M. et Spircu T., (1994) "Analyse des données en marketing", Ed. ALL, Bucarest, 191p, ISBN
973-9156-82-7, Abstract
■Somnea D., Calciu M. (1994) "Excel 5, avec applications en management", Ed. Technica, Bucarest, 311p, ISBN
■Calciu M., Puiu A. ( 1988) "Enseignement de commerce extérieur assisté par ordinateur ", Lithographie ASE,
■Calciu M., ( 1987) " La décision de commerce extérieur assistée par ordinateur", Lithographie ASE,
Chapters in Books
■Calciu M. et Salerno F (2007) "Modélisation de la Valeur Client(Lifetime Value) : Synthèse des Modèles et
propositions d`extension", Marketing - Analyses et perspectives, Vuibert, Paris, 2007
■Calciu M., Delagrande F. (1998) "Attractiveness sensitive versus attractiveness neutral territorial market
partitions. Comparative analysis and congruence measures in the case of bank agencies in an intrabrand context",
dans W. H. Engelhardt (Ed.) Perspektiven des Dienstleistungsmarketing, Gabler, Wiesbaden.,
■Calciu M., Salerno F. (1997) "A New Approch to Spatial Management of Retail Networks, based on German
School`s Central Place Theory. Application to Bank Location", dans H.Mühlbacher /J-P Flipo (Eds.) Advances in
Services Marketing, Gabler, Wiesbaden. ,
■Calciu M. (1995) "Interactive Marketing Data Analysis courseware", dans W.Strang, V.B.Simpson, D. Slater
(Eds.) "Hypermedia at Work, Practice and Theory in Higher Education", Canterbury, 10-12 janvier. ,
■Puiu A. [dir] ( 1989) " La gestion, les techniques et l`efficience du commerce extérieur", Ed. Technica, Bucarest ,
■Suta N. [dir] ( 1989) " Commerce international et politiques commerciales", Lito, Académie d`Etudes
Académiques, Bucarest ,
■Calciu M., ( 1983) " Implications de la politique agricole du Marché Commun sur les exportations de produits
agroalimentaires", `La Roumanie dans le circuit économique international` - Collection sélective de
communications, ASE, ucarest,
■Calciu M., Negrau I., Coras M., Ijdelea R. ( 1983) " Tendances dans le commerce mondial avec des produits
agroalimentaires. Analyse de l`offre d`exportation de produits roumains.", `La Roumanie dans le circuit
économique mondial. Priorités pour notre commerce extérieur`, ASE, Bucarest,
Articles in Journals with referees
■Calciu M., Mihart I. (2010) "Modelling short and long term customer acquisition and retention effects in
consumer goods sales using stochastic and econometric methods", Journal of Marketing Trends, 1,2 (April),74-86
■Calciu M., Crié D., Salerno F. (2010) "Les modèles de valeur client. Aspects fondamentaux et veloppement",
Recherches et Applicatitons Marketing, (première révision)
■Calciu M. (2009) "Deterministic and stochastic Customer Litetime Value Models. Evaluating the impact of
ignored heterogeneity in non-contractual contexts.", Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for
Marketing, 17, 4, 257-271, Résumé, Abstract
■Calciu M. (2008) "Numeric decision support to find optimal balance between customer acquisition and retention
spending", Journal of Targeting, Measurement & Analysis for Marketing, 16,3, 214-227, Abstract
■Calciu M. et Somnea Dan (2008) "New web application technologies for global decision support in sales and
marketing - Guidelines for model builders", Romanian Economic Journal, Bucharest, vol. 11(27) ,
■Calciu M. et Somnea D. (2007) "A Model based e-learning framework for marketing", Romanian Marketing
Review, 3,4,203-256, Abstract
■Vernier E, Calciu M. et Richevaux M. (2003) "Nouvelle économie, nouvelles contraintes salariales", Humanisme
& Entreprise, 260, 81-99
■Calciu M. et Salerno F. (2002) "Customer value modelling: Synthesis and extension proposals", Journal of
Targeting, Management and Analysis for Marketing, 11, 2
■Calciu M., Salerno F. (1997) "Modélisation participative sur le WEB. Un modèle de rétention des clients",
Décisions Marketing, No. 11, Mai - Août. ,
Other articles
■Calciu M., (1996) "Didacticiel interactif d`analyse de données marketing pour les ingénieurs", actes de la
Réunion des Ecoles Universitaires d`Ingénieurs membres du Réseau "Eiffel", Clermont-Ferrand, mars, ,
■Calciu M., Basacopol A. et Carandino A. ( 1990) " Broncho-Vaxom, in the Treatment and Prevention of Chronic
Pulmonary Diseases ", Clinical Trials Journal, 27 (5): 336-345. ,
■Calciu M., ( 1990) " Restructuration du système informatique de l`entreprise de commerce extérieur", "Tribuna
Economica", no.7, février,
■Calciu M., ( 1989) " Le système informationnel de l`entreprise de commerce extérieur - construction des banques
de données", `Revista Economica` no. 29 du 21 juillet,
■Calciu M., ( 1989) " Marché des ordinateurs électroniques", `Revista Economica` no. 37 du 15 septembre,
■Calciu M., Popa M. ( 1989) " Augmentation de l`efficacité de la présentation de l`offre à l`exportation à l`aide des
programmes informatiques ", `Revista Economica` no. 41 du 31 octobre,
■Calciu M., ( 1989) " Télétransmission et traitement des informations concernant les marchés externes", `Revista
Economica` no. 5 du 3 février,
■Calciu M., ( 1988) " Compte-rendu de l`ouvrage "Rational Expectations in Macroeconomics"", Bulletin de
comptes-rendus, ASE, no.1-2,
■Calciu M., ( 1981) " Développement des ports danubiens roumains", Actualitea Romaneasca` no.152, du 13
■Calciu M., ( 1980) " La Roumanie en 1981 - Un pas vers l`indépendance énergétique", Actualitea Romaneasca`
no.138, novembre,
■Calciu M., ( 1980) " L`Argument des chiffres dans le développement de la Roumanie pendant le quinquennal
1976-80 et le premier an du nouveau quinquennal.", Actualitea Romaneasca` no.142, du 5 décembre,
Communications at conferences with referees
■Calciu M., Willart S. (2011) "Assortments and local competition in retailing", 40th EMAC Conference,
Ljubliana, Slovenia, May 24-27, article accepté, Abstract
■Calciu M., Popa I., Tudor C. (2011) "Document Based Marketing Simulations as vehicles for knowledge
acquisition. Observing their impact on student progress applying learning theories in an intercultural context", 10th
International Conference Marketing Trends, Paris, January 20-22, Abstract
■Calciu M., Willart S. (2011) "L'importance des Assortiments dans la concurrence locale des distributeurs",
Journées du Pôle de Compétitivité des Industries du Commerce (PICOM), Lille, Octobre
■Mihart I. et Calciu M. (2010) "Customer Equity Maximisation by Dynamic Allocation of Persistent Effect
Marketing Actions", 9-th, International Conference Marketing Trends, Venice, January 21-23, Résumé, Abstract
■Calciu M. et Popa I. (2010) "A document based marketing decision support and simulation framework.
Application to a customer attraction/retention model.", 9-th, International Conference Marketing Trends, Venice,
January 21-23, Abstract
■Ayache A., Calciu M., Salerno F. (2010) "Lifetime Value calculations in continuous time buying contexts using
Generating functions and Laplace transforms for customer retention models", 26-ème Congrès de l'Association
Française de Marketing, Le Mans - Angers
■Calciu (2010) "Model based Marketing teaching framework using web technologies", Academy of Marketing
Science Cultural Perspectives in Marketing Conference, IESEG Lille July 21-24, Abstract
■Calciu (2010) "Modelling Marketing Response from decision calculus to object orientation. Deriving a dual
hierarchy of abstractions", German-French-Austrian Conference on Marketing, Viena, 16-18 september, Abstract
■Calciu M., Popa I., Paraschiv D. & Tudor C. (2010) "Document Based Business Simulations on e-Learning
Platforms. A Development Framework and some Usage Evidence from France and Romania", 9th European
Conference on e-Learning, Porto, Portugal, 4-5 november, Abstract
■Calciu M., Salerno F. (2009) "Customer Litetime Value Modelling with deterministic and stochastic approaches.
Investigating the impact of ignored heterogeneity in non-contractual settings.", 25-ème Congrès de l'Association
Française de Marketing, Londres, 14-15 mai 2009
■Calciu M. et Mihart I. (2009) "Modelling short and long term customer acquisition and retention effects in
consumer goods sales using stochastic and econometric methods", 8-th International Marketing Trends Congress,
Paris, January, 15-17, 2009
■Calciu M., Salerno F. (2009) "RETBUDG an Alternative to ADBUDG for Customer Retention Response A
New Impulse for Decision Calculus in the Era of Internet.", 38th, EMAC Conference, Nantes, France, mai, 26-29,
■Meyer-Waarden L., Calciu M. et Benavent C. (2008) "The theory of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation applied to
the problematics of gratifications within loyalty programs", EMAC, 37-th Conference, Brighton, United Kingdom,
27-30 Mai
■Calciu M. (2008) "Evaluating the impact of decision support on decision markers` performance in marketing.
Experiments and development of experimental frameworks on the semantic web.", 7th International Congress
Marketing Trends, Venice, 17 19 janv.
■Stan V., Jakobowicz E. et Calciu M. (2007) "Aide à la spécification du modèle de mesure pour les modèles
d’équations structurelles utilisés en marketing. Application à la satisfaction et à la fidélité envers un portail
Internet.", 1ères Journées de la Satisfaction et de la Fidélité de Grenoble, Grenoble, 18-19 janv.
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