Les mots interrogatifs - La forme se construit avec l’auxiliaire do (does à la troisième personne du
singulier) et la base verbale.
Qu’, que, quoi,
quel(s), quelle(s),
comment ?
Combien de temps
? / de fois ?
Combien ? (un prix et
les numeros
Combien ? (+
Mot interrogatif + auxiliaire + sujet + verbe
Where do you sleep? Où dors-tu ?
When did he leave? Il est parti quand ?
Exercice 1 – Trouvez les mots interrogatifs qui manquent.
Exemple: ……. do you do? I am an air hostess.
1. ……………………. do you work? I work in a school in Durtal.
2. ……………………… wine does he want? He wants 24 bottles.
3. ……………………… do you see the Dentist? Twice (deux fois) a year.
4. ……………………… does the aeroplane arrive? It arrives at 5.00pm this afternoon.
5. ………………………. do I get to the Police Station? You go straight on at the traffic lights.
6. ………………………..cakes do you want? I want 4 cakes please.
7. ……………………….dress does she want – the red or the black? She wants the black dress.
On peut utiliser les mots interrogatifs be, have et have got
Exercice 2 - Trouvez les mots interrogatifs qui manquent.
Exemple: ……. are you doing? I’m going to the garage.
1. ………………………. is your teacher? She’s about 40.
2. ……………………….. are the firemen? They are at the Fire Station.
3. ………………………. is your job? I’m a waiter.
4. ……………………….. has he got long hair? Because he doesn’t go to the hairdresser.
5. ……………………… guitars has the musician got? He’s got about 10.
6. ………………………. has got the Oscar for best actress? Marion Cotillard in La Vie en Rose.