Part 1 : Dictation
The city of New York is composed of five boroughs (Manhattan, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Queens, Staten
Island): it is called “the Big Apple”.
Part 2 : Vocab
1. Family :
1) Great-grandparents
2) Father-in-law
3) Stepmother
4) Wife
5) Stepbrother
6) Sister-in-law
2. Likes & Dislikes :
1) I (enjoy, like, hate…) doing my homework.
2) I (am keen on, am fond of…) listening to music.
3) I (can’t stand, can’t bear…) swimming. Rappel: beer
4) I (am crazy about, am nuts about…) playing videogames.
3. Adjectifs de personnalité (traduis ces mots, attention à l’orthographe)
Bad-tempered : mauvais caractère
Bossy: autoritaire
Practical: qui a l’esprit pratique
Selfish: égoïste
Shy: timide
Tactless: qui manqué de tact
Part 3: Grammar
1. Verbes lexicaux et auxiliaires: remplis le tableau.
He doesn’t live in paris.
2. Exercice d’application: remplis les blancs:
a) How old are you? I am 15.
b) How many pets has she got ? She has got a cat.
c) Where do you live? I live in London.
3. Les formes en –ing. BV ou V-ing? Remplis les blancs et explique ton choix.
a) I love going to the cinema. love = verbe de gout.
b) I go to the cinema every week. every week = habitude.
c) I can’t stand watching TV. can’t stand = verbe de goût.
d) I never play golf. never = jamais = “habitude”.
4. Les auxiliaires: choisis la bonne réponse.
1) I am not Italian. Neither am I.
2) I can speak German and Chinese. So can I.
3) I played football when I was 7. So did I.
4) I can’t ice-skate. Neither can I.