Present perfect ( révision facile)
Le present perfect simple se forme avec l'auxiliaire -have- conjugué au présent + le participe passé du
ex: I have learnt my lesson.
Quand l'employer?
Pour une chose qui vient de se produire .
Laurent has just slamed the door.
Quelque chose qu'on n' a jamais fait.
I have never been to London.
Pour dire: c''est la première. seconde ... fois
It's the third time I have told him.
Pour quelque chose qui est fait ou vécu depuis un certain
I have known Lucile for 3 years.
Avec les superlatifs.
Laurent is the best teacher I have ever
Relier le passé et le présent.
Bridg's crying. She has read Lucile's
les marqueurs de temps utilisés avec le present perfect sont:
Why are you so nasty? Marc has just left.
Come in and eat with us. No, I have already had lunch.
Ever / Never
Have you ever met him?
Could you show me your exercise? No I haven't made it yet.
I haven't seen him for two months.
I have known this website since 2003.
So far
It hasn't rained much so far.
Le present perfect en -be+ing- avec l'auxiliaire -be- conjugué au present perfect + le verbe en -ing-.
ex: How long have you been waiting for me?
Quand l'employer?
Il est utilisé pour mettre en valeur l'activité ou la situation. Comparez:
It has rained.
Il a plu.
Ici, on relève simplement le fait que le temps est humide.
It has been raining
for 2 days.
Ca fait 2 jours
qu'il pleut
Ici, l'accent est mis sur le fait qu'il pleuve (et que ça nous
empêche de faire ce qu'on avait prévu.)
EXERCICE :Faites le bon choix.
1) Peter __________________ for seven years. ..............................................................................................
hasn't been smoking
hasn't smoked
hasn't smoke
2) It's the first time __________________ my boss. .......................................................................................
I have meet
I have met
I have been meeting
3) It's enough! your son __________________ drums for three hours!
has played
has been playing ..............................................................................................
has been played
4) I __________________ for you for two hours! Hurry up!
have been wait
have waited ..............................................................................................
have been waiting
5) Oh my God!! I __________________ my keys! .........................................................................................
have lost
have been lost
have been losting
6) Mary __________________ in Bordeaux since 2001. ...............................................................................
has be living
has been lived
has lived
7) You seem out of breath! -Yes I __________________. .............................................................................
have been running
have been run
have run
8) Hep! Mattew! __________________ the match? ......................................................................................
have you seen
have you been seen
have you seeing
9) How long __________________ in that firm? ........................................................................................
have you being
have you been
has you been
10) They __________________ their parents since Christmas.
haven't phoned
haven't been phoning .........................................................................................
haven't been phoned
1. hasn't smoked
2. I have met
3. has been playing
4. have been waiting
5. have lost
6. has lived
7. have been running
8. have you seen
9. have you been
10. haven't phoned
Present perfect simple et continu
Pour toutes les négations, il faut contracter. ex : She is not : She isn't
1. I ______________________________ (learn) English for three years.
2. She ______________________________ (go) to Australia.
3. They ______________________________ (be) in Paris for two hours.
4. You ______________________________ (live) in Canada since 1995.
5. Where ______________________________ (you-study) your English lesson?
6. She ______________________________ (play) video games for hours.
7. Why ______________________________ (she-play) video games for hours?
8. She ______________________________ (not-work) at all.
9. She ______________________________ (not work) all the day.
10. They ______________________________ (already-live) there.
1) have been learning
2) has gone
3) have been
4) have been living
5) have you been studying
6) has been playing
7) has she been playing
8) hasn't worked
9) hasn't been working
10) have already lived
Present perfect simple et continu
I've done and I've been doing.
It isn't always easy to understand the difference between these two tenses !
In general, we use the Present Perfect Simple when we are more interested in the result of the action
and we use the Present Perfect Continuous when we are more interested in the action itself.
How to find the right tense !
With the question HOW LONG ? We normally use the Present Perfect Continuous.
With the question HOW OFTEN or HOW MANY/MUCH ? We use the Present Perfect Simple.
In the following exercise, choose the most appropriate form of the present perfect ....
1. Have you ______________________________ anything I've said to you ? (Understand)
2. Sorry, I've ______________________________ my homework. (Forget)
3. How long has Jack ______________________________ English ? (Study)
4. How many new words have you ______________________________ this week ? (Learn)
5. How many times have you ______________________________ at this restaurant ? (eat)
6. You look exhausted ! What have you ______________________________ ? (Do)
7. Look at the weather ! It's ______________________________ all day ! (Rain)
8. I need a holiday ! I haven't ______________________________ one for two years. (Have)
9. I've always ______________________________ a sport car ! (Want)
10. Ooh, that woman. I've never ______________________________ her. (Like)
1) understood
2) forgotten
3) been studying
4) learnt
5) eaten
6) been doing
7) been raining
8) had
9) wanted
10) liked
Le present perfect 'continu'
He has been speaking for an hour and a half. I am bored! When will he stop?
A retenir :
1- Sa formule : BE + VERBE + -ING
2- Son emploi:
Décrire une action commencée dans le passé et se continuant encore dans le présent.
Décrire une action commencée dans le passé et qui vient de se terminer :'I've been cleaning the
garage all morning ...but now I've finished'.
Lorsque l'on veut insister sur le déroulement de cette action : 'She has been sleeping for
Test => utiliser le groupe verbal mis entre parenthèses pour construire une phrase affirmative sur le
modèle de celles qui sont données en exemple -et soulignées- dans l'introduction: present perfect
NB: A la forme négative, on emploie la forme simple du present perfect sauf si l'action négative est elle-
même progressive ou continue : ' Bill hasn't been feeling well for a few days'
* Ne pas faire de contractions
1. Your hands are really dirty! What have you been doing? (clean my motorcycle)
______________________________ .
2. She has got flour in her hair! What has she been doing? (bake cakes)
______________________________ .
3. The dogs' ears are covered in mud! What have they been doing? (hunt all day)
______________________________ .
4. 'I feel tired out! ' - 'What have you been doing'? (look after the children)
______________________________ .
5. 'She looks so sad!'- 'what's the matter with her?' (think about upsetting things)
______________________________ .
6. They are all wet through. What have they been doing? (walk in the rain)
______________________________ .
7. What a noise ! What are they doing? (repair the road for days) ______________________________
8. What a noise! What's the neighbour doing? (cut the grass since he arrived)
______________________________ .
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