Le Défi des Temps de Verbe
Révision de français 1-4
Présent et impératif (le groupe de Maya), passé composé ( le groupe de Camille), imparfait et plus-que-
parfait (le groupde de Jessamine), futur et future antérieur (le groupe de Grace) , conditionnel et
conditionnel passé (le groupe de Soha), subjonctif présent et subjonctif passé (le groupe de Shadi).
Bon travail en groupes ****
Soyez créatifs ****
GROUPES: 23 élèves : Cinq groupes de 4 et un groupe de 3
Votre prof a décidé d'aller à la plage (au lieu de travailler). Alors, il faut que vous la remplaciez. Elle veut que
vous enseigniez les temps de verbe. Votre présentation doit inclure un visuel, une partie orale et une activité
créative et interactive pendant laquelle votre groupe mènera le reste de la classe. Votre présentation durera 15
minutes pas plus. N’oubliez pas de (d'):
Expliquer le temps
Montrer comment conjuguer les verbes réguliers
Expliquer la prononciation
Parler des verbes irréguliers avec des exemples
Trouver au moins 3 verbes que la majorité des élèves ne savent pas conjuguer (dans votre temps)
Donnez des exemples
PRESENTATION: Regardez les rubriques que je vous ai données.
The visual is exceptionally
attractive and is very creative
in terms of design, layout, and
The poster is attractive
in terms of design,
layout and neatness.
The poster is acceptably
attractive though it may be a
bit messy and shows little
The poster is distractingly
messy or very poorly designed.
It is not attractive and lacks any
There are no grammatical
mistakes on the visual.
There are 1-2
grammatical mistakes
on the visual.
There are 3-4 grammatical
mistakes on the visual.
There are more than 4
grammatical mistakes on the
The poster includes all required
elements as well as additional
All required elements
are included on the
All but 1 of the required
elements is included on the
Several required elements were
All information for the
activity is correct.
All but one of the facts are
All but two of the facts are
Several facts are not
The group put a lot of
thought into making the
activity interesting and fun
as shown by creative
questions, games, etc.
The group put some
thought into making the
activity interesting and fun
as shown by creative
questions, games, etc.
The group tried to make the
activity interesting and fun, but
some of the things made it
harder to understand/enjoy the
Little thought was put into
making the activity
interesting or fun.
The activity is extremely
useful to others as an aid
and teaches the topic very
The activity is useful to
others as an aid and teaches
the topic fairly well.
The activity is somewhat useful
to others as an aid, but some
information is lacking.
The activity is not a useful
aid and is missing crucial
information that would
promote understanding.