Weierstrass Theorem and Bernstein
Nicole M. Samuels
Let f: [0,1] →Rbe continuous over [0,1], we show that fcan be
approximated by a specialized polynomial, called a Bernstein Polynomial
of the Nth degree, denoted by BN(f, x) where N= 1,2, .... Furthermore,
we present Voronovskaya’s Theorem regarding the error of approximation
and provide an estimate in terms of the modulus of continuity.
1 Weierstrass theorem 1
2 Voronovskaya’s Theorem and an approximation for the distance
of Bernstein polynomials and functions bounded on [0,1] 8
References 19
3 Plagiarism declaration 20
1 Weierstrass theorem
We define the set of polynomials of degree at most nby
Pn={pn(x)|pn(x) = a0+a1x+... +akxk, k ∈N, ak∈Rwhere k≤n}.
Definition 1.1 (Continuity [7]).We say a function is continuous at a point
x in its domain S if the following is true: given any ϵ > 0, there exists δ > 0
such that if x′∈Sand |x−x′|< δ then |f(x)−f(x′)|< ϵ.
A function is continuous over its domain S if it is continuous at every point
in its domain.
Consider some interval [a, b] where a, b ∈R. We denote the set of continuous
functions over [a, b] by C[a, b].
Definition 1.2. [4] The uniform norm of a function fover [a, b]is defined
∥f∥= max