June 1996 Application Note #0046
doc: an0046.doc
Application Note #0046
120V / 240V CENode Line Coupling
The Intellon CENode PL contains a CELinx PL transceiver Integrated Circuit (IC), a CEThinx
Network Controller, and transmit/receive circuitry. The CENode PL can be generically
connected to ordinary 120 VAC or 240 VAC power lines through an appropriate line coupler.
The recommended coupling circuit for the CENode PL to high voltage power lines includes a
transformer and a 60 Hz blocking capacitor. The transformer provides a linear transfer function
for the 100-400 KHz CEBus PL Spread Spectrum Carrier (SSC) signal. The capacitor limits the
60Hz current to avoid saturation of the transformer core. Figure 1 represents the minimum
components required for CEBus power line coupling. Good design practices will also incorporate
surge and over voltage protection.
Figure 1 - Coupling Circuit for High Voltage Power Lines