IET Power and Energy Series 8
David Finney, B.Sc., CEng., FIEE, is
division manager and chief engineer,
responsible for large variable speed drive
systems, at the G.E.C. Industrial Controls
plant in Rugby, England. In this position he
is responsible for the development, design
and manufacture of large drive systems
for use in mining, metals, paper, oil, and
chemical industries throughout the world.
He has been technically involved in the
power semiconductor field since 1958,
when thyristors were only just emerging,
and during this time he has worked on all
types of thyristor converters and inverter
drives from a few kilowatts up to 10,000
kW using natural and forced commutation
techniques and operating in square wave
and pulse modulated modes.
He has published a number of articles
and given lectures around the world in his
chosen subject.
Variable Frequency
AC Motor Drive Systems Finney
Variable Frequency
AC Motor Drive
David Finney
Variable Frequency
AC Motor Drive Systems
This book is intended to explain the technical principles involved in
the many AC variable speed drive systems available today. It deals
with all the DC link inverter and direct AC to AC converter systems
that are in commercial use. The principles of AC motors are
considered specifically from the variable frequency point of view,
and this chapter concentrates on the effects of harmonics. The
different types of power semiconductor switches are considered
separately from the drive systems in which they are used.
A total of seven separate and technically different drive systems
are considered in such a way that their principles can be fully
understood and their performance capabilities explained. Square
wave and pulse width modulated DC link inverter systems,
cycloconverters and slip power recovery drives are all included in
this comprehensive book.
This book has been written so that it can be understood by general
engineers, not just by experts in the field. It should therefore be
of great use to any engineer involved with variable speed drives in
any capacity. It should also be of interest to university and college
electrical engineering departments and students.
The Institution of Engineering and Technology
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