University of Mohamed–Seddik Ben Yahia –Jijel
English/ Electrical Engineering / undergraduate (2nd year) Homework
All energy conversion methods used to produce electricity have some environmental
impact. The impact may have an active effect like the emission of airborne pollutants, or may
have a passive effect like aesthetics or habitat modification. Even methods considered
environmentally friendly have some impact on the environment. Fossil fuel power plants
generally have the most widespread effect on the environment, as the combustion process
produces airborne pollutants that spread over a wide area. Nuclear power plants have the most
potentially dangerous effect. An operating accident at a nuclear station could allow for a large
release of radioactive particles to occur. Solar, hydro, and wind power plants generally have
smaller effects on the environment.
The whole cycle of electricity generation must be considered when looking at the
environmental impact. This includes the production and transportation of fuel for the
conversion process. This is especially true of fossil fuel and nuclear power plants, which use
large quantities of fuel mined from the earth. Energy system environmental impact consists of
fuel recovery and production, fuel transportation, electricity transmission, and spent fuel
The generation of electricity from solar energy sources generally has a small effect on the
environment. There are no residuals produced in the energy conversion process. The use of
hydropower to produce electricity can have both positive and negative effects on the
environment. Wind generators biggest environmental effects come from visual pollution,
noise, and TV interference.
The heat generated by an electric-power plant that is not ultimately converted into
electrical energy is called waste heat. The environmental impact of this waste is potentially
catastrophic, especially when, as is often the case, the heat is absorbed by streams or other
bodies of water. Cooling towers help to dispose waste heat into the atmosphere.
I. Answer the following questions
1. Why are the nuclear power plants considered to be the most dangerous?
2. Give a scientific description of the underlined words.
3. What are the active and passive environmental effects of the energy conversion methods?
4. What is the bad effect of an Electric Power Plant?
5. Cite renewable energies mentioned in the text.
6. Explain in few lines the basic principle of solar energy conversion.