; =
; =
; =
Resolution of equation system (5), (6), (7), (11), (12), (13), (17), (18) and (19) leads to find
out faulty nodes symmetrical voltage (20):
Where [M], 1, 1, 1, are detailed in Appendix.
Fault current, denoted Icc, will be then deduced by (21):
2.2 Effect of ungrounded neutral
Expressions (4) and (10), regarding nodes zero sequence current, lead to the following
equation system (22), (23), (24) and (25):
Analysis of systems (22), (23), (24) and (25) shows that fault current zero sequence could be
expressed as function of nodes voltage and admittance. (26):
Hence, we deduct that single phase short circuit current will be null once all nodes zero
sequence admittances are null as well.
However, disconnecting all transformer neutral from the earth will mitigate single phase short
circuit level from its highest level to the lowest one.
Consequently, managing power transformer neutral grounding could be a technical solution to
survey fault current level.
A program was developed in Matlab space, where all network data are specified and short
circuit current is simulated accordingly, as specified above and for different scenarios related
to transformers neutral earthing.
3.1 Network features
Considered network, object of this study, is made by four generators; each one is associated to
a step up transformer, interconnected by looped transmission network made of six
transmission lines.
Generators, transformers and transmission lines features are recorded in TABLE I: