R.W. PetersrJournal of Hazardous Materials 66 1999 151–210154
exchange capacity CEC , natural organic matter, age of contamination, and the presence
of other inorganic contaminants 72 . Metal mobility is also influenced by the organic
fraction in the soil and clay and metal oxide content in the subsoils because these soil
constituents have significant CECs. Heavy metal contaminants that concentrate in fines
include chromium, lead and uranium, while strontium, barium, and cesium appear to be
nearly uniformly distributed through the soil size fractions 28 . The initial metal
concentration, the presence of inorganic compounds, and the age of contamination also
influence metal mobility.
Soils are characterized by a distribution of particle sizes. If the soil is separated
according to size, the finest soil fractions silts and clays often contain the highest
concentrations of contaminants. The finest soil fractions have the highest surface area
per unit volume, and thus are favored for adsorption-type phenomena. In addition, the
fine soil fraction usually contains the natural organic component of soil, which could
serve as a sink for organic contaminants.
Somewhat coarser soil particles in the range of y10 mesh to q200 mesh are often
characterized by surface irregularities enhanced by weathering, inorganic salt precipita-
tion, and oxide formation 88 . This uneven and somewhat porous surface can provide a
favorable environment for surface contamination.
Very coarse particles e.g. pebbles and stones have a relatively low surface area to
volume ratio per unit mass. As long as this material is not porous, contamination is
surficial and the effective concentration per unit mass of material tends to be low 86 .
Contaminated soils are often composed of coarse and fine grained mineral compo-
nents and natural organic components. Many unit operations developed in the mineral
processing industry can be used to implement soil washing processes. Examples of these
unit operations include: trommels and log washers used to slurry solids ; attrition
machines used to scour mineral surfaces ; flotation machines used to remove hy-
drophobic material from aqueous slurries ; screens, hydrocyclones, and spiral classifiers
used to separate coarse minerals from fine minerals ; and thickeners, filters, and
centrifuges used to dewater solids .
Soil washing involves the separation of contaminants from soil solids by solubilizing
them in a washing solution 78 . The technology is generally an ex situ method. Soil
washing usually employs wash solutions that contain acids, bases, chelating agents,
alcohols, or other additives 28 . A chelant is a ligand that contains two or more
electron-donor groups so that more than one bond is formed between the metal ion and
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the ligand 19 . Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid EDTA forms 1:1 molar ratio com-
plexes with several metal ions. Acids and chelating agents are generally used to remove
heavy metals from soils, but the particular reagent needed can depend not only on the
heavy metal involved but also on the specific metal compound or species involved.
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Pickering 70 identified four ways in which metals are mobilized in soils: 1 changes in
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the acidity; 2 changes in solution ionic strength; 3 changes in the REDOX potential;
and 4 formation of complexes. In practice, acid washing and chelator soil washing are
the two most prevalent removal methods 71 . The most common chelating agent studied
in the literature is EDTA 72 . EDTA has been used to remove lead nitrate from
artificially contaminated or surrogate wastes with efficiencies ranging typically from
40% to 80%. Because of the strong chelation nature of EDTA, a method for reuse such