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2D Numerical Simulation of
Stabilized Soil Wall by Nailing and
Anchorage Methods
Farshad Rashidi1, Amin Torabipour2
1 Graduate student, Department of Civil Engineering, Kharazmi University,
Tehran, Iran.
Email address: std_farshad_rashidi70@khu.ac.ir
2 Graduate student, Department of Civil Engineering, Kharazmi University,
Tehran, Iran.
e-mail address: amintrbpr@gmail.com
One of the most important issues in geotechnical engineering is using suitable method for stabilizing
the deep excavations. Among widely used methods, nailing and anchorage methods are being used
more in order to stabilizing soil walls in deep excavations recently. Applying prestressing force is one
of the differences between nailing method and anchorage one ,which causes less deformations and
displacements, while in nailing method, the movement of soil mass makes force to the wall. In this
paper, the data of stabilized wall by Briaud and Lim (1999) were used for verifying numerical
simulations. Parametric analyses were performed on nine stabilized walls with different properties and
deformations and settlements of the walls were determined. The main purpose of this paper is
analyzing the performance of soil nail wall in comparison to anchorage method which are simulated in
Plaxis 2D (finite element software) and compared to obtained deformations of the wall according to
these two mentioned methods.
KEYWORDS: Numerical Modelling, Pile & Anchorage, Concrete Block & Anchor, Nailing,
Plaxis 2D
Due to urban developments, land size limits in cities and increasing the population, excavations
for residential and commercial building become important. Nailing and anchorage are the most
operative methods for stabilizing deep excavations in urban areas. These two mentioned methods are
more applicable in urban stabilizing excavations and engineering practice because of decreasing the
occupied area less than the other methods.
Nailing method is one of the newest operative approach in permanent and temporary stabilizing
of trenches, slopes and soldier walls. Nailing is an in-situ earth retaining technique. For increasing the
strength of soil wall using nail in soil; because the nails are not prestressed, they are called passive
elements. While the wall intends to move forward, the nails act like tensile elements. Permanent or
temporary concrete facing is performed on stabilized wall at the end. Anchorage is also one of the
stabilizing method for reducing the deformations of adjacent structures. The main difference between
anchorage and nailing method is the induced prestressing force to anchors for reducing displacements
in comparison to nailing method. The anchorage method is always performed with piles or concrete