in S2, S3, or S4 were found to increase for some washing combina-
tions for all heavy metals of interest, indicating that portions of
these metals were redistributed during the washing procedure.
Some fractions were destabilized and readsorbed on the carbon-
ates, Fe/Mn/Al oxides, or SOM and sulfides. The residual metal frac-
tion (S5) was expected to be very stable and cannot generally be
removed or changed. However, in Exp. 7 of this study, where a high
PDTA dosage was employed, the S5 fraction of all four metals was
lower than it was in unwashed soil. Similar results were obtained
in a study of soil washing with EDTA (Lei et al., 2008).
A caveat that must be kept in mind when interpreting the re-
sults of the speciation experiments is that, as has been reported
in previous study (Yong and Mulligan, 2004), the determination
of heavy metal fractions by sequential extraction is only operation-
ally defined, and is generally considered to be more qualitative
than quantitative in providing insight into metal distribution and
mobility. The apparent metal redistribution revealed by sequential
extraction reflects only the increase in the chemical availability of
these metals after PDTA washing.
4. Conclusions
Heavy metal speciation and mobility in a contaminated soil
washed with PDTA, a derivative of EDTA, were investigated by
batch leaching tests using a range of soil washing conditions fol-
lowed by sequential extraction. With appropriate washing condi-
tions, PDTA significantly enhanced extraction of Cu from
contaminated soil. The primary mechanisms of Cu extraction by
PDTA were complexation-promoted dissolution of soil Cu and in-
creased dissolution of SOM. PDTA showed high selectivity for Cu(II)
over soil component cations (Ca(II), Mg(II), Fe(III), Mn(II), Al(III)),
especially at lower liquid-to-soil ratios under PDTA deficiency, thus
avoiding unwanted dissolution of soil minerals during the soil
washing process. PDTA-enhanced soil washing increased the
exchangeable fractions of Cu, Zn, and Pb and decreased their resid-
ual fractions, compared to their levels in unwashed soil.
A cost-effective strategy for the use of this agent would be a
continuous washing system where the contaminants were precip-
itated from the washing solution and the PDTA was reused. Soil
adsorption and biodegradation of PDTA should also be investigated
before this method is used in soil remediation.
The project was supported by National Natural Science Founda-
tion (No. 41171374, 21272292), National Funds for Distinguished
Young Scientists of China (No. 41225004), Guangdong Province
Higher Vocational Colleges & Schools Pearl River Scholar Funded
Scheme, the Ministry of Environmental Protection of China (No.
201109020) and the Research Fund Program of Guangdong Provin-
cial Key Laboratory of Environmental Pollution Control and Reme-
diation Technology (No. 2011K0007).
Appendix A. Supplementary material
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in
the online version, at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.
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