Exercise 1: Introductory Exercise
All exercise references are referred to:
R-30iB basic operator manual [B-83284EN_05]
In further exercises, we will just refer to it as Operator
Manual. (OM Section…)
Every exercise is based on knowledge acquired in previous
exercises. This means you should make sure that all the
knowledge in the exercise is known before continuing. If
something in the recapitulation is not known, or not very
clear, you should do that exercise again.
In the beginning of every exercise, we give you a list of
equipment, you need. You should make sure that you have
got all the needed equipment, because otherwise, you will
not be able to do every part of the exercise.
In this exercise, we will give you a quick overview of the basic
controls and knowledge needed for every other steps and exercises
on the robot.
After this exercise, you should be able to turn the robot on and off,
switch between the different modes and do some basic jogging.
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